[30. Real life/Interview]

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I was asked to be on Jimmy Kimmel tonight, i love jimmy he's a riot. A few hours before i was supposed to fly out to LosAngeles i got a call from my publicist asking for Vanessa to come with me, jimmy would love to meet her too.

"Hey ness, come here for a sec", i shout to her as she is in the kitchen. "Ya whats up", she says walking into the bedroom as i am packing my attire for the interview. "Jimmy wants you to come on the show with me", i say smiling up at her as i zip up my bag. "Really? I've never been on a talk show before", she smirks. "Okay then I'll take that as a yes as in you want to come", i grin. "Okay babe, pack some clothes we're going to LA", i say kissing her on the lips.


We got to out hotel room, and i threw my bags onto the bed. "Im so excited", vanessa says walking to the balcony window. "Ive only been to hollywood boulevard a few times, once for Kimmel and i came with norm a couple times but let me tell you never go to la with him...the fans are like vultures", I chuckled. "Honestly im super surprised you still havent been on Ellen", she mentions. "Ya well maybe one day", i smiled walking up behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist. "We should get going", i say kissing her on the neck.

I change into a while dress shirt, i put on a suit jacket on top with matching pants. Vanessa wore an elegant but beautiful dress. "Stunning baby", i say looking at her. "Sexy", she replied back to me. "I have the most cutest fiancé", she says. "As do i", i grin.


Jimmy: Please welcome Actors on Amc's The Walking Dead Vanessa Fuerth and Jeffrey Dean Morgan!

We walked out waving and i clapped a few times smiling into the crowd. I shook jimmys hand but he gave me a hug and he kissed Vanessa on the cheek with a light hug.

Jimmy: how are you guys?
Me: I'm fantastic
Vanessa: super awesome, yourself?
Jimmy: im great, thanks
Jimmy: so i heard, from well... media and stuff and Jensen Ackles was here the other day and he mentioned it... you guys are getting married!?
Me: yes! *i smiled*
Vanessa: that's correct *she smiled at me*

*the crowd cheered*

Jimmy: congratulations
Me: thank you very much
Jimmy: so real quick, um...flash point, i heard you are in flash point Jeffrey.
Me: oh you're hearing a lot lately arent you. *i laughed*
Jimmy: hahaha yes
Me: nah, i dont know anything
Jimmy: well you'd know if you weren't in it right?
*i smiled weakly at him*
Me: um..well..why are you..doing this to me *i laughed*
Jimmy: *jimmy laughed* so thats a yes...
Me: ahh i didnt say shit
Jimmy: i dont think you had too
*everyone started laughing*

Jimmy: and ms fuerth, so you've just been casted on the walking dead?
Vanessa: i have!
Jimmy: how has that been
Vanessa: its been amazing, theres been nothing else like being on the set of this show...the cast the directors the whole crew is phenomenal, and the fans...extraordinary.
Jimmy: who have you grown close with on set
Vanessa: well i knew Norman for pretty much my whole life, i did a film with him when i was very young and we stayed friends which i am thankful for, I wouldn't be on this show if it wasnt for him...obviously jeff, and probably Josh Mcdermitt, Michael Cudlitz and Melissa Mcbride, they are all my favourite people.
Me: im her favourite though
Vanessa: i dont knowm norm is pretty up there *she giggled*
*i frowned*
*jimmy laughed*

Jimmy: well come back again soon, hope all is well and congratulations on the wedding
Me: thankyou jimmy, *i shook his hand*
Vanessa: thankyou, *she hugged him*

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