[19. Twitter]

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@Jeffrey Dean Morgan

California WalkerStalkerCon, get ready y'all. Xojd

40k likes | 3.4k retweets

@username1 so excited to meet you!

@username2 i wish i was going

@username3 i got a photo op with you, nessa, norman and cudlitz im so freakin excited

@username4 i love you so much jeffrey

@username5 is it true you and Vanessa are dating?

@JDMorgan the panel is this afternoon, I'll answer any questions then xojd @username5

@Cudlitz 👊🏻❤️❤️ @username3

@username6 like this if you love norman
{you liked @username6's comment}

@_FuerthyV Jeff get off twitter, we are gonna be late Lmao

@username7 lmao nessa u tell him

@JDMorgan okay mom x @_FuerthyV

@LaurenCohan you guys are so cute

@username8 she called him daddy, now hes calling her mom...omg what planet are we living in

@Chandlerriggs its called earth, look it up;) @username8

@username9 HAHAH fucking burn!!! @Chandlerriggs @username8
{chandlerriggs liked this comment}


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