[10. Real Life]

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I was going on a date with Jeffrey. Jeffrey Dean Morgan! How could a man like him...possibly like a a girl like me??

He was picking me up in an hour, so i hopped into the shower and dried my hair. I curled it so there was loose waves, i never really liked my hair curly but today i was really feeling like doing something different so I thought I'd give it a try. I put on a cute but appropriate black dress...I didn't know where he was taking me so i thought black...you can where black anywhere right?

I heard a knock on my door, and i ran to open it. It was Jeffrey. "Wow", he said as i stood in front of him. "You look stunning", he says handing me flowers. "Aw thankyou", i motioned him to come in while I put the flowers in a vase. He was wearing a black shirt, black jacket and black pants, his hair was gelled back and you could tell he shaved but he left some facial hair, the perfect amount. I love a man with facial hair, it's one of my weaknesses. "You look really handsome", i say. "Thankyou darlin", he smiled. "Shall we?", he says putting his arm out so i could wrap mine around his. "Well shall", i smiled as we walked out of my house. He opened the door to his car for me, as always.. such a gentleman.

We got to the restaurant he was bringing me. I stepped out as jeffrey did and we walked in. "Jeff this place looks...really expensive", I whispered. "Don't worry about it, its on me", he smiled. "You sure about this?", i say. "Never be more sure about anything in my life", He grinned. "For the two?", the waiter says. "Yes sir", jeff says. "Follow me", the waiter says leading us to our table. "my names david, ill be your server this evening...if you need anything just give me a holler, can i start you off with something to drink?", he asks. "Coke please", jeff says. "I'll have the same", i say. "Okay perfect", he says walking away.

"So how long have you known Norman?", jeff asks. "Oh wow, um.. 17 years i think, i did a movie with him when i was 8 and he became one of my best friends over the years", i say. "So that makes you 25?", he says. "Aye, you can do math", i laugh. "Yes indeed", jeff laughed. Jeff nodded in thanks to the waiter, as did i. "Whats it gonna be guys?", david asks. "Steak please", jeff says. "Funny enough...im gonna have the same again", I chuckled. "Okay I'll be back", he says wondering off. "Copier", he sticks his tongue out. "So how old are you?", I asked. "I don't wanna say", he says sipping his drink. "You know I could just look on google", i say pulling out my phone. "Okay no stop", he laughs and lightly pushes my hand from touching the keyboard. "51", he says. "I've always had a thing for older guys", I say getting a grin out of Jeffrey.

After our delicious steaks.

"You know...i can make a pretty mean steak", jeff says. "Oh is that so?", i smiled. "Yup", he starred into my eyes. I looked into his hazel orbs. We were caught starring deeply into each other's eyes. The moment was pure silence. He scooted his way around the booth seat, ending up right beside me. Our faces were inches apart. He put his hand on my cheek and pressed his lips against mine. He looked up at me, "I'm sorry, i was--". I cut him off by kissing him again. His lips were so soft, he was such a good kisser.

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