[15. Real Life]

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I got to work early today because i wanted to spend time with Jeffrey before we had to start filming.
I knocked on his trailer door, "come in", i heard him say from the other side of the door. I opened it and walked in. "Hey" i said softly. "Hey baby", he said with a big cheeky smile on his face. He was sitting on the couch, with his phone in his hand and his glasses on top of his head. "What are you doing here so early, you know i have a few scenes alone before ours together right?", he says kissing my forehead as i sit down beside him. "I know, i just missed you...even if its only been less then 24 hours", I shoved my face into his chest. "Aw i missed you too nessa", he replied. He lifted my chin up with his hand lightly. He pressed his forehead against mine. "How'd i get so lucky?", he whispered lowly. "I wanted to ask the same question", I whispered back. He kissed me on the lips, and i kissed him back. Our mouths were moving in sync. I moved to straddle his lap, his hands moved to my hips not breaking the kiss. Things got heated, we were devouring each others mouths.

"Okay, holy shit...i need to go burn my eyes", Norman says as he opened the door to my trailer. Our heads popped up in surprise to see Norman standing at the doorway of my trailer. Vanessa moved off my lap to sit beside me. "Sorry norm, we were just practicing for our scene later today", i joked. "And there's a thing called knocking", Vanessa piped in.
"Can i take the credit for founding this relationship?? I introduced you guys", he giggled. "Sure norman", i say and kissed Vanessa again...purposefully making him feel uncomfortable. "Jeff stop man", he covered his eyes. "Why are you even here", i asked. "Kirkman wanted you guys to start filming now because later he has to be somewhere, then he's gonna do your solo parts another day jeff", norman said. "Okay thanks brother", i say. We watched norman walk out. 

This scene we were filming was after Bella saved Negan and he fell head over heels for her. Its a love scene that everyone in the walking dead fandom was dying to see happen.

Greg yelled action and we began to film.

"Im negan", negan says. "Oh i know who you are", bella rolls her eyes. "You do?", he asked in curiosity. "Of course i do...you're the prick who brings a baseball bat to a gun fight", she says with a sarcastic tone. "Ouch, i am indeed but im also the guy who never loses...in fact...ricks team already lost and the deep ocean of shit that will make you shit your f*%king  pants hasn't even begun yet", he says. "Lucky for you im not on ricks side", bella says. "Oh is that right", he stepped closer to bella.
"CUT! , take 5 and we'll be back for the special scene", greg says.

"And we are back in 3...2...1...action", greg shouts.

"Come back to the sanctuary with me", negan says. "On one condition", she says. "Hmm", negans eyes wandered her body. "You f*ck me", she glanced down at his manhood. "Oh darlin that can be arranged", he smirked.
They drove back to the sanctuary.
Negan carried bella towards his room with her arms wrapped around his neck. He kicked the door open and laid her down on the bed sending kisses down her neck. A light moan escaped her lips. Negan removed his shirt and slipped off her pants and tossed them over his shoulder and kissed her passionately on the lips.

They cut, so it looked like it was after the sex scene.

Negan and Bella fell on the bed as they just finished. All sweaty and breathing heavily.

"CUT!, that was perfect! Amazing job jeff and vanessa", greg says applauding.

After the scene i went to my trailer to get changed. As i was walking there Jeff caught up to me. "I wish we weren't such good actors or else we would have done more than one take", he laughed. "Oh you're so right, i would have loved that", i said laughing. I kissed him before I entered my trailer.

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