[39. Real Life]

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I had a lunch date with Melissa today, we were headed to the restaurant for a bite to eat. We got stopped before we entered the restaurant, "vanessa!! Can i have your autograph", "Sign this please", "can i get a picture", shouted the fans. We signed loads of them but i had enough. "Okay guys, you know we have to come back out right?", i said. "Well be back after lunch", melissa says. I squeezed through the people and into the doors of the building.

We sat down and ordered. The food came very quickly... i took a glance down that my plate and my stomach started turning. "Mel, ill...ill be right back", i ran towards the bathroom with my hands covering my mouth. I puked my breakfast up. I walked back to the table. "Are you okay?", she asked. "Yeah i think im good...wait--", i covered mouth again. "Do i need to bring you home, do u have the flu?", she asked. "I dont know, i just looked at this steak covered in mushrooms and i wanted to yack", I explained. "Are you and Jeff okay? I saw the tweets", melissa asked. "Yeah, it was a small fight...i over reacted...I thought jeff was cheated on me but he wasnt it was Normans girlfriend", i said. "Okay thats good then", she says. "Ya, okay im so so sorry...i think i need to go home, im not feeling so well", i say taking a sip of water. "Okay hun, ill take you", she says getting up from the table.


I walked in to jeff sitting on the couch with his glasses on the tip of his nose. He glanced at me. "Hey beautiful, how was your day with Melissa", he asked. "It was good until i had to throw up every time I looked at the steak in front of me", i said sitting down beside him. He felt my forehead. "You're not hot, well actually you are super hot...", he winked. "Jeff seriously", I nudged him. "Okay what do you need, anything", he says. "Can you get me my calendar", i asked. "Why", he asked. "I need to check something", i say. He came walking back with my calendar in his hands. "Here baby", he says handing it to me. "Thanks", i say taking it from him. I flipped a page down, and flipped it back, and flipped it up again...i started counting the days. "Shit", i mumbled. "What?", he says. "Im late...", i say.

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