[18. Real life]

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I started walking to Jeffrey's room, but got stopped by loads of fans. We were in California for WSC. "Hey Vanessa", "omg are you Vanessa Fuerth", "can u sign this please", "can i have a picture". The thing is, i love my fans, i fucking love them but they think they know me...when i dont know them...so to me...its just strangers running up to me... it can be scary.

I finally got to his room.

I knocked a few times, "hey what took you so long", he wondered. "I texted you like half an our ago", he laughed. "Oh i got stopped by some fans it took longer than i expected it too, sorry", I said. "Its all good, i just want time with my gal", he hugged me. I moved away from him slowly. "What?", he asked. "I love you", I managed to spit out of my mouth. "You're literally the man of my dreams", i say. "I love you too babe", he replies giving me a kiss on the lips.

"You wanna watch something?", jeff asks. "Ya sure", i smiled. We laid on the bed and he put his arm around the back of my neck and i leaned my head on his shoulder. "Have you seen This Is Us?", he asked. "I binged the first season", i laughed. "That's funny i did too", he chuckled. "Can i just say...Justin Hartley...what a stud", Jeffrey says fangirling over Kevin Pearsons actor. "You're hotter tho", i say kissing him on the cheek. "Thank ya baby", he kisses me back. I turned his face towards me again and kissed him passionately. He caught on real quick and tossed the remote to the tv on the dresser and began to kiss me again. I was straddling his lap...grinding against his member underneath the fabric. He moved his hands to my hips and whispered in my ear, "if norman walks through the door again...this time im not stopping", he tugged my ear with his teeth lightly. I removed my shirt, and he did the same. He stood up and took off his pants and slid mine off too. Jeff slipped his boxers off and his dick sprang to life. A moan escaped my lips looking down at his big manhood. I bit my lip, watching him stroke himself. "Wanna suck my dick baby", he says. I nodded and started bobbing my head up and down. His tip was hitting the back of my throat with every thrust. He un did my bra and laid me on the bed. He entered my entrance with no hesitation, thrusting at full speed. "Ugh", he groans. "Gosh damn", he moans still thrusting rapidly. His skin slapping against my skin. The bed board slamming against the wall repeatedly.   "Daddy?", i moan. "Ya baby girl?", he says. "Harder, yes right there, faster Jeff", i cry out. He grabbed my ass, and slapped it. "Fucking shit im gonna cum", he pulls out and released in my mouth. "Thats so hot", he groaned. "Make me cum jeff, please", i moan. He rubbed my clit, and stuck his tongue in my pussy. I tightened my grip on the bed sheets and came.

"Shit, you are a natural darlin", jeff says falling onto the bed breathing heavily. "You're amazing", she says laying down giving me a peck on the cheek.

***HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEFFREY!!!! Ugh i love this man with all my heart! 04.22.18***
Two chapters out today because its jeffs day of birth xoxo

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