[02. Real Life]

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I woke up super early because I couldn't sleep, i was just way too excited. I've done quite a few things in this business but The Walking Dead...there is nothing like being apart of this show, its one of a kind....it's extraordinary.

I walked to the set because my house was a couple blocks down, and my car was in the shop. I saw cameras and a bunch of people getting their makeup done to be transformed into walkers....Greg is honestly a legend when it comes to that shit. I saw Norman walking towards me with a big smile. "Hey little lady", he hugged me. "Hey", I smiled and hugged him back. "This is incredible", I starred at the set of Alexandria. "Ya the team is spectacular", he admits. "Alright theres a few people you need to meet", he say walking away. Im guessing he wants me to follow him.

"Okay so this is Melissa, thats Chan man", he nudged Chandler in the rib cage. "Over there is Danai, Tom, Alanna, Austin and Oggs are off today...you know Andy, Lauren , Christian and Josh...um and Ross is near the snack table...whats new", he chuckled. "Speaking of food, im gonna head over there... see you guys in a bit", chandler says. "Hes a growing boy he needs his nutrients", he says. "Norm hes gotta be like 18 your treating him like he's 5", i laughed. "He grew up on this show...its hard to let go ya know?", he got sentimental.  "I guess", i agree with him so he'd stop talking.

I heard a deep, raspy voice come from behind me. "So bubba who do you have here". He was tall, dark hazel orbs, salt and pepper facial hair, with his hair slicked back.

"Oh yes! I was wondering where you were. Jeff this is Vanessa, Vanessa this is Jeffrey", i turned around and smiled. He smiled with me, and put his hand out to shake mine. His teeth are definitely brighter than my future. "Nice to meet you Vanessa", he said. "Nice to meet you too", I replied.

"Jeffrey!", kirkman yelled. "Shit, i gotta go but I'll see you guys later", he walked towards set.

"Okay Nessa, so I really wanted you to meet Jeffrey because most of your scenes are gonna be with him", he says. "Oh really?", i ask. "Ya is that a problem?", he asked. "No no, im excited...he seems really nice", i say. "He is, I promise", norman assured me.

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