[41. Real Life]

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"Late? As in...", i asked. "My period jeff...my period", vanessa says to me. "Oh", i say grabbing her hand. "I never felt so sick in my entire life, and i am late this month...that can only mean one thing", she says squeezing my hand. "Well you don't know for sure", i say rubbing her hand with my thumb. "Ya. I know but the odds are pretty obvious", she says. "Okay well take a test", i mention. "We dont have one", she says. "Okay ill go get one", i get up and grab my jacket. "Ill be back", i kissed her on the lips.

I walked into the drug store walking down all the aisles. "Seriously", i mumble. I couldn't find the fucking aisle where they keep the pregnancy items. "Sir do u need help with anything", a worker asked. "No no, im good thanks", i say. I didnt want someone to see me getting the test than it would be all over the news. I saw the worker turn to walk away. "Actually yea, i need help...where do you guys keep the pregnancy tests", i asked. He grabbed one off the shelf and handed it to me. "These are the best ones", he says tapping his finger on the box. "Alright Thankyou very much", i say walking to the cashier. I saw the paparazzi outside the window from where i was standing as the cashier scanned the item. "Ma'am with all do respect could you maybe go a bit faster so i dont get attached by the paparazzi, I can't have them knowing what I bought today because i dont want everyone to know before we do", I explained. "Of course sorry mr morgan", she says handing me the bag. "Thanks i appreciate it", i smiled and walked out of the store.

"Jeffrey what did you buy buddy", "Jeffrey, jeffrey how about the hawks this season", "jeff whats in the bag, you seemed rushed to get it", TMZ shouted. "Hey boys, proud of my seahawks for sure", i say smiling weakly. I signed a few pictures and hopped into my car and drove off.

I walked inside and couldn't find Vanessa. "Ness im home", i say hanging my jacket. "Ness?", i called out. "In here", she says as she stuffed her face with last nights dinner. "Baby, you couldn't wait for me", i laughed. "Give this to me", she swiped the bag from my hands. "Aggressive...i like it", i grinned. "You know...if im pregnant theres a good thing and a bad thing that comes out of it", she says. "Oh.. do tell??", i say crossing my arms. "We cant have sex for 9 months", she says walking up to me cupping my member. "Thats not funny", i say. "But the good thing is well have a baby", she says. "Yes, but no sex...not even the tip...just the tip i promise", i whined. "Nope", she says walking to the bathroom. She peed on the stick and walked out. "What does it say, what does it say!!", i shouted. "Jeff we have to wait a couple minutes", she laughed. "is this torture jeff day or what?", i said. "Wow stressful thinking about not having sex?", she questioned. "We're not gonna get into this", i turned away. "Ou jeff its ready", she says nudging me excitingly. "You look", she says. "Okay, baby you're pregnant!!!", i said with a huge smile peeking on my face. "Im so excited", she says kissing my lips. "You're pregnant", i say. "Im pregnant", she repeated. I lifted her shirt up and kissed her belly. "Your beard is tickling me jeff stop it", she says playfully hitting me on the back. "Is it that bad?", i asked. "It was a little scratchy that's all", she says. "I can shave it", i say. "No don't you dare", she looked deeply in my eyes. "Its super sexy, i love it, especially when i feel it rubbing in between my legs", she says softly. I closed my eyes and bit my lip. "My fiancé is pregnant and i cant have sex with her....what a world we live in", i looked to the ceiling. "Ill just have to take matters in my own hands", I smirked. "Or my hands", she says pushing me down on the couch softly. She kissed down my jaw and started un buckling my belt. I stared up at the ceiling as she pulled me out of my boxers. "Fuck", I groaned as she started to stoke my member. "Suck my dick darlin", i moaned. Vanessa put her lips around my throbbing member and bobbed her head up and down. "Gosh damn it", i say as i gripped her hair as i thrusted in and out of mouth.

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