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@Vanessafuerth Jeffrey promised me cake

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@Vanessafuerth Jeffrey promised me cake

10.6k likes | tagged @jeffreydeanmorgan @bigbaldhead

@Username1 thats a cupcake...not cake

@Username2 tru ^^

@Username3 ugh now i want cake

@Username4 aw jeff you're so cute

@Jeffreydeanmorgan and i kept my promise didn't i?

@Jeffreydeanmorgan no comment @username1

@Username5 omg yes @Username3

@Username6 @username4 facts.

@VanessaFuerth @jeffreydeanmorgan You did indeed;)

@Jeffreydeanmorgan cant believe @bigbaldhead ditched us

@Vanessafuerth @bigbaldhead 🖕🏻😂

Username7 im sensing some chemistry here!!

@bigbaldhead bull shit, you guys left while i went to take a piss😂

@Username8 beef? ^

****Jeffs on Kimmel Tonight, c/ABC**** 11:35pm

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