[38. Real life]

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I drove to work and sent out a quick tweet.

I walked onto set and past Norman in the process. "Hey Ness", he says. I didn't answer and i walked straight into my trailer. I fell onto the couch and shoved my face into the pillow.

I drove to work and noticed Vanessa tweeted something so I decided to tweet something too.

I walked onto set and saw Norman, "hey Jeff", i smiled weakly and walked straight into my trailer.

"Okay what the fuck?!", i said to myself. Neither of them said hi this morning. I walked to Jeffreys trailer but before i could knock Robert yelled for me. "Norman come here", he shouted. "Okay", i replied.

It was time for filming and I obviously had to see Vanessa and she clearly didn't want to see me.
Vanessa walked onto the scene and i looked at her. She didn't say anything. "Ness..I--", she cut me off. "No, no talking unless its for filming", she says. "But ness--", she cut me off again. "No jeff", she says.

After filming.

I saw vanessa walking back to her trailer, she walked in and shut the door. I knocked on the door of her trailer, "come in", she says softly. I entered, "oh I thought you were Alanna, you can leave", she says glancing back at her phone. "Vanessa, can we please talk", i say sitting down beside her on the couch. "I'd rather not", she says. "Fine, then ill talk...you just listen", i say. "Im not cheating on you, i swear, i promise, cross my heart--", she interrupted me. "And hope to die", she looked up with a straight face. "That's not funny", i say. "It wasn't a joke", she says. "Wow, okay is that really how you feel...you want me to die", i say lowly. She looked up at me. "Of course I don't want you to die Jeffrey, but you tore a big hole in my heart this morning...its like my world is all of a sudden crashing down", she replied. "You were my world jeffrey..you..no body else", she said. "Vanessa, I didn't cheat on you, i can say in a thousand times, I didn't, i didnt...i would never", i say. "Whos Diane?", she asked. "Normans new girlfriend", i answered. Her face un tensed a little bit. "Baby I wouldn't cheat on you for the life of me, i know how it feels..its shitty..i could never make you feel that way...i could never hurt you, you're the love of my life...I'll never stop loving you...", I explained. "You'll never stop loving me?", she questioned with a smile peeking on her face. "Its Eternal baby", i said. "im such a shitty fiancé...thats if you're still considering on marrying me". "I've never been so sure about anything in my entire life", i say.


After work i drove home and Vanessa did the same...since we drove separate today due to certain circumstances.

I walked in and Vanessa looked liked she just enter seconds before i did. "Jeff", she says softly. "I love you", she says. "I love you too", i say taking my coat off. We decided to lay in bed for the rest of the night. I was laying with my arm wrapped around her and she was snuggled into my side. "Baby?", she says tracing her finger through my chest hair. "Yes darlin", i asked. "Before, when you said you know how it feels to be cheated on...i didnt know someone cheated on you", she says. "Oh so now you feel bad for me", I chuckled slightly. "tell me please", she kissed me on the cheek. "Okay, well i was married...a long time ago. My wife cheated on me with my best friend, we were married for maybe 3-5 months", I explained. "3 months...and she cheated", Vanessa looked at me with a weird face. "Yeah, it wasn't worth it anyway, I didn't love her...it was a vegas marriage, we were young and dumb...desperate, worst decision ive ever made", i state. "Yeah...it sucked ass...but if it didn't happen then I wouldn't have met you", i say kissing her on the lips. "Im sorry that happened to you", she says. "Im not", i kissed her again. "Ugh i missed your lips", i groaned. "Make up sex?", we both said at the same time. We laughed. "Wow its like we have the same brain", vanessa laughed. "Great minds think alike", I smirked pinning her down on the bed and left wet kisses down her stomach.

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