[44. instagram]

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@Vanessafuerth  so i wanted to post this picture of my sexy stud of a fiancé, i mean look at him

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@Vanessafuerth so i wanted to post this picture of my sexy stud of a fiancé, i mean look at him. So. Hot. Babe. oh btw im pregnant and we're having twins incase you haven't seen Jeff's post yet. Xoxoxoxovf
Ps. You can thank me later 😍😍🤤

33.5k likes | tagged @Jeffreydeanmorgan @honeydog

@Username1 ugh hes so sexy

@Username2 congrats

@Username3 so hot jeff

@Jeffreydeanmorgan wtf ness, ass

@Username4 LOLOLOL^

@Username5 holy water. Someone please

@Username6 fuuuuck 😍😍

@Username7 im weak.

@Username8 daddy

@Vanessafuerth bahahahah you look so good babe @Jeffreydeanmorgan

@TheRock Harry Asul, you sexy bastard. Congratulations! DJ

@Username9 ahhhh fuck me

@Jeffreydeanmorgan brother. I love ya @therock

@Joshmcdermitt thankyouuu ness!!

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