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Nessa Fuerth

Since everyone is asking, you can catch me on The Walking Dead Sunday nights @ 9:00pm on AMC.
I mean...most of you guessed it correctly anyway. Xovf

5.7k likes | 8.9k retweets

@Username1 yasss

@Username2 you're working with norman! So lucky

@Username3 definitely tuning in

@Username4 i called it!!

@JDmorgan #teamnegan xojd

@Username5 hi jeff!

@Username6 fuck yes, twd is gonna be so much better now

@Username6 negan 4 life

@_FuerthyV xovf @JDmorgan

@Username7 this just made my night

@christianserratos yesss!
{you and 3076 more people liked @christianserratos' comment}

@joshmcdermitt does anyone want a pickle?? They're dill

@Username8 bitch wtf...cause you have to ask?!! Send them pickles my way!

@JDmorgan they better be hand picked... @joshmcdermitt

@Joshmcdermitt ughh... 😬 about that.. @JDmorgan

@Username9 Lmao Jeff

@JDmorgan gosh damnit josh @joshmcdermitt

@Username10 cmon josh, u had one job

@_FuerthyV okay boys, behave lmao @JDmorgan @joshmcdermitt

@Cudlitz 👊🏻👊🏻

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