[35. Private Message/Real Life]

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The other night was fun, See you tonight Jeffrey ? Xx

Definitely! x

See you later

Yes ma'am


"Jeff", i called out. "Ya baby", he shouted from the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen as he was cutting some vegetables. I went behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Whats up", he says. "Wheres your phone", i asked. "Uhh...i think its in the bedroom, why?", he says. "My phone died and i need to text greg we're gonna be running late for work today", i say still hugging Jeffrey. "Why are we gonna be late", he asked. "We can make a reason to be late", i say turning him around and kissing him on the lips. Jeff smirked, "alright darlin, go text greg now!", he says with a grin on his face.

I walked into the bedroom, i saw jeffs phone and grabbed it. I clicked on the message app and the previous person jeffrey has been texting was still there. "The other night was fun", I whispered to myself as i read the text. I can't believe this... my fiancé...is cheating on me.

I walked back into the kitchen, not sure exactly on what i was going to say. Jeff turned around wiping his hands with the dish towel. "Did you text him baby", he asked walking closer. "No not yet", i say. "Why do you look like you just saw a ghost", he says as he went to comfort me. I took a step back. He tilted his head. "Whats wrong?", he asked. "Why didn't you tell me", i shouted. "Tell you what?!", he asked. "Oh stop Jeffrey, you know quite well what im talking about", i say. "Really, i dont", he says. "Diane, who the fuck is diane", i yell. He was about to say something but his mouth froze and he paused. "Vanessa i can explain...", he trails off. "No, i dont wanna hear it", i say tossing his phone at him. "On second thought im going to work early", i say as i storm out the door.

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