[51. Twitter]

1.4K 32 8

@JDmorgan Folks, big announcement. Myself and Norm are gonna be in Lond

1.7k likes | 4k retweets

@JDmorgan ahh fucking twit thumb!! But me and Norman are going to be in London this weekend for his new show ride, coming out later this month. If you see us, come say hi xxxjd

1.8k likes | 3.4 k retweets

@Username1 was it your thumb or did jensen and Augustus get a hold of ur phone Lolll

@Username2 ahhhh im so excited!!!!

@Username3 When does it air??!

@Bigbaldhead yess babyyy❤️

@Username4 Andy too right?!?

@_FuerthyV gonna miss you babe xx

@Username5 i wish andy had twitter

@Username6 @username5 i wish andy had a fucking phone Lmao

@Username7 @username5 @username6 Dead ass tho

@Username8 *flys to London

@Username9 get me a crumpet

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2019 ⏰

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