Chapter 2

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"Where the hell do you think your going?" Lacey's voice rang in my ears.

"Australia. My mother can't find me there!" I rushed over to my car aka my baby.

"It can't be that bad." She rolled her eyes and I slowly turned my head with a twitch in my eye.

"I once got a 79 percent on a test and she took away all my privileges for 6 months. My dad instead of taking away my stuff, gave me a load of shit to do. I would have better luck in North Korea than facing my parents!" I rushed my words out.

"You got a C on your algebra test. That isn't bad. That's average. Some kids are out there getting a 13 percent on a test thinking they are hella smart and flipping over tables saying they a genius 'cause they didn't get a Zero. So chill out and sit your ass back down in English." Lacey scolded me like a mother.


"Ah ah ah. Don't give me your buts. English. Now." She pointed her finger towards the school.

I let out a series of curses and obeyed her orders.

Nice knowing you world.

"Your mom is going to get you!" Dylan laughed in my face and in response I took his brownie and smushed it all over his face.

"What the hell?" He spluttered.

"Think again before putting your ugly face close to mine." I shrugged.

"So I'm guessing things are still not going well with your parents?" Blaze sighed.

"You guesses correctly." I took a bite out of my apple.

"What's wrong with your parents?" Keith's voice filled in the silence.

Where did he come from?

I guess I said that out loud because of what he said next.

"Sorry I was talking to this sexy chick. I think this one is a weeker." He smirked and Dylan high fives him.

"That good aye?" Dylan remarked and they both got into their little man huddle of a conversation talking about who they fantasized today and all that fun stuff.

At least I didn't have to answer his question.

I looked over at Lacey to see her with a strained face. "Excuse me." She mumbled, getting up and walking out of the lunch room.

I then looked over at Blaze.

I'm pretty sure everyone has that one best friend, where your so close you can speak telepathically right?

We should check up on her. Blaze eyes me then looked to the exit where Lacey left.

I don't know she might need a second to her self. I give her a basic shrug.

Blaze then got up and being her stubborn self she followed after Lacey.

"She has these boobs that-" I over heard the guy's conversation. Yeah definitely don't want to hear this.

I got up and followed after Blaze. I finally caught up with her at the girl's bathroom.

    I found Lacey wrapped up in Blaze's arms with Blaze saying soothing things to calm her down.

    "What's going on?" I asked softly walking up to Lacey.

    "I got a boyfriend." Was all she said and a huge smile got plastered to Blaze and mine's face.

    "Wow that's great Lacey!" I replied excitedly that my friend finally got herself a boyfriend.

    "My parents won't approve of him and then they will make us break up." She sniffed.

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