Chapter 16

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  "Excuse me?" My dad raised his voice angrily at me, not use to me standing up to him.

  "I said no." I squared up to him.

  You have no idea how badass I feel but completely terrified, right now.

   "He is a low life thug. All he is is trouble. You can dress him up nice but that doesn't change what he is." My dad snapped.

  "'What he is?' Are you delusion right now? He might have tattoos and piercings and have slight of an edge to him... but underneath all that is an actual human. Just like you and me. I don't care what you think of him. You are not the one who is dating him and as far as I am concerned.. he is the best boyfriend I have ever had!" I turned around and grabbed hold of Keith and dragged him out of the cafe.

  "You didn't have to do that for me." Keith broke the silence.

  "Do what?" I asked confusedly.

  "Stand up to your dad for me like that. You shouldn't have to damage what's left of your family for me... especially me." He leaned me closer to him, dragging his thumb across my bottom lip.

   "You can't break what's already broken. My family has been damaged even before I was born. I have been letting my dad walk all over me my whole life and I finally stood up to him  and I have you to thank for that. Because of you, I finally had a real reason to fight back." I smiled.

   "I'm glad I could help Sunshine." Keith pressed his lips on mine, cradling my face gently in his soft warm hands.

   I parked my car in the driveway of the one person I knew that could help me with my drama problems.

  I walked up to the door and grabbed the spare key that is hiding inside of a rock and unlocked the door.

  "Who's there?" The familiar voice shouted from the kitchen as I walked in.

  "It's me Grandma!" My smile quickly washed off my face when she came  rushing into the room with huge knife in her hands.

   "Oh my little baby! What are you doing here?" she put away the knife and gave me tight bone crushing hug.

  "I need your help... and what were you doing with that knife?" I frowned.

  "Well I need something to help defend myself with! I'm old and broken down. Give me a damn break." She walked back to the kitchen.

   "Anyway how can I assist my favorite grandchild... don't tell your cousins I said that." She whispered the last part.

  "It's mostly about my family-" I started to say but she immediately cut me off.

   "Leave!" She shouted and my eyebrows shot up to the sealing.

  "What now?"

  "Your damn family needs someone to wack some sense into them with a baseball bat over the head! Follow your Aunt Margie's steps when she found that thug boy who is a pain in my ass and leave!" She said with a glare.

  "I can't just leave them." I said looking down.

  "They are either going to break you or your going to stand up for yourself. When your grandfather didn't approve of your Aunt's boyfriend, Jason, what did she do? She left! She moved in with him and now look at her. She is married to him and has two amazing wild ass sons just like their father." My grandma grinned.

   "What makes you think this is about some guy?" I narrowed my eyes slightly.

"You take after your Aunt Margie mostly. Around the time she was ready to leave and stand up for her self was when that boy got involved... Judging by the face you are making I am assuming I'm right, as always." She started making a coffee.

"I um.. yeah." I sighed.

"Look. If you are actually starting of thinking about things like this then that's probably your heart trying to lead you in the right direction. Don't fight it, do what you think is best for yourself. Also is this boy your fussing about crazier then your Uncle Jason?" My grandma grinned.

"Take Uncle Jason and my two cousins and times that by a thousand." I said.

"My fucking god. Where's my bat? I need to do some sense knocking." Grandma came scurrying around for her baseball bat.

  "And there will be none of that. Don't worry I already tried." I rolled my eyes.

   "How could such an amazing girl be raised by savages?" My grandma started to mumble colorful words.

My grandma and I have a strong relationship. She might come out strong... and a bit old.

Like you know those stereotypes where you think of old people being the ones chasing teenagers down the street with their cane raised in the air shouting, 'Get off my property before I shove my cane up your ass!'

Yeah that would be her.

But she is still great. When I was younger, right before I went into second grade, my mom and I use to live with her.

That was also around the time my mom met Tom, her boyfriend. My mom would constantly be home late after work and immediately leave the house and go out somewhere when she did get home. Then there would be the constant times where she left me for about a week to go on a vacation with Tom.

Every time I would beg her to stay or let me go with her but she always said no. I would wait for her day after day awaiting her return.

I was still very young and even if I was pushed a side by her and not her main priority.. I still loved her. I still do love her.

I can always be mad at her but I will always know a part of me will always love her.

Anyway when she would leave me, Grandma would always take care of me and became that mother figure. She was the one who helped me with my homework and ate dinner with me and at night read me a bed time story, then tuck me into bed wishing me sweet dreams.

My grandma has and always will be my go to person when I am deep shit.

"I have something for you." My grandma gave me a small smile after a few seconds of silence.

"You do?" I asked looking up at her and she nodded and walked to her room, getting out a gold chain with two rings on them.

One of the rings immediately looked familiar.

"This is the ring I had made for you when you were little. I gave it to your mother to have it sized when your fingers got to big but she never did." Grandma held out one of the gold rings that had a small little heart on it with a cursive R carved on it.

"Yeah it looked familiar." I smiled and she then dropped it back on the chain.

"Now this one is a ring that your great grandmother gave to your mother when she was little. They are both too small for you but I thought it could be made into a nice necklace so I found a gold chain and put the rings on them." Grandma put the necklace around my neck.

I felt tears fill my eyes and I immediately grabbed her in a hug.

"I love you grandma." I mumbled in her shirt.

"I love you too sweetie." She rubbed my back.


Ok so the ending of the chapter is a bit cheesy but I really don't care.

This Grandma character needed to happen so here she is!

And by the way she will be one badass old lady. Don't underestimate her.

I hope this chapter was enjoyable for you.

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