Chapter 4

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"I want the details! De-tails!" Blaze locked us up in her room with a huge smile on her face.

"What are you talking about?" I asked playing dumb but she just rolled her eyes at me.

"You ditched school with the school's bad boy. You don't get to say 'What are you talking about?" She mocked me in a high pitch voice.

"First of all I don't sound like that."

"Whatever. Just. Tell. Me." She gasped out. I swear this girl is going to faint.

"Ok ok. He thought we should get to know each other because Lacey is always there so we just went to Sweeties and then went to a fair, that's it." I shrugged.

"Lies." She narrowed her eyes and I shot my eyebrows up.

"I'm not lying." I crossed my arms.

"More lies" She rolled her eyes.

"Well most of its true... What makes you think I'm lying?" I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion.

"Girl, I'm your best friend. By now I can practically sense your whole aura. I can tell when you lie. Your eye twitches just a bit, not really noticeable but since I'm practically a part of you I can tell." She grins.

"Mhm.. We ran into Lacey and Rene." I sighed.

"Ohh cat fight! What happened?" Blaze propped her head in her hands as her elbows were on her knees.

"Nothing really.. she just seemed a bit off I guess. Nothing much." I shrugged.

"You really don't see it do you?" Blaze rolled her eyes, adjusting her bean bag chair.

"See what?" Now I'm really confused.

"The girl likes your man, doll face!" She threw her arms up and my eyes widened.

"First off he is not my man. I don't even like him like that." I folded my arms.

"You might not now or maybe your just in denial but I see the way your face lights up when you talk about him or see him. It's like the face Dylan makes when he sees food." Blaze gave a small smile.

"Nuh uh. Lacey can have the pig. I don't care." I rolled my eyes. I feel nothing when I'm around him.

"This is all I know Rachel, if you don't fight for him now someone else will get him. He won't be there forever and then you will look back on this day and think 'Man Blaze was right if only I have listened to her.'" Blaze tried to reason but I didn't listen.

"I'm not going to take him from Lacey even if I did like him.. which I don't. My friendship with her means more then any boy crashing into my life. He is all her's. She can have him." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever you say girlie. Just know I'm always here when you need to talk to someone or vent." Blaze sighed, giving into defeat.

"So are you going to the party?" Blaze changed the subject.

"What party?" I asked confused.

"You know.. the party Jay is throwing tonight? Keith invited us to come." Blaze said excitedly.

"I don't know..." I hesitated.

"Girl, you need to loosen up a bit. We need this. I'll be right by your side. Plus I hear the football team is going to be here. Those boys are sexy motherfuckers! Especially Blake, the star quarter back. But I can't go without my wing woman! Please!" She begged towards me giving me the puppy eyes.

"Fine. Also you really need a boyfriend." I rolled my eyes and Blaze grinned.

"Let's go pick out our outfits! You can borrow some of my cloths!" Blaze dragged me over to her closet.

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