Chapter 13

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   "Which dress are you? Poofy or more tight fitting?" Blaze asked me as Dylan, her and I walk down the halls to class.

  "What?" I looked over at her.

  "I'm planning your wedding. Isn't it obvious? You and Keith are meant to die together! Wait actually we are going to die together. Keith can die the next day." Blaze rambled.

  "Are we really having this conversation?" Dylan mumbled to himself.

  "If I have to put up with her, so do you." I pointed my finger at him.

  "She's your best friend. I'm just the glue to yours guys friendship." Dylan cockily put his hand through his hair.

  "Put that glue to use and glue your mouth shut." Blaze rolled her eyes.

   "You guys can't go a minute without getting into a argument." I said disapprovingly.

  "It's a love hate relationship. We are usually good before he opens his mouth... oh there's Blake! Try not to get pregnant, cya!" Blaze happily went over to where Blake was standing.

   "I need some advise." Dylan said looking into my hazel eyes.

  "Hmm with what?" I asked looking up at him.

  "You know Carly right?" Dylan asked.

  "The girl you and Keith betted on like last month?" I raised an eyebrow and he nodded.

  "Yeah um her.. well at first I have been trying to get into her pants... but now I think I actually like her. But she won't let me close to her." Dylan raked his hand through his hair.

  "Probably because she is smart and knows you and Keith just use and ditch girls all the time. You need to show her that your committed before even trying to get together with her." I rolled my eyes.

"But girls! How could I give such a precious thing up?" Dylan whined.

"We aren't objects you know." I huffed.

"Same difference." Was all he said before walking off.

"That doesn't even make sense!" I shouted after him in which he ignored.

I try and be helpful and this is what I get in return?

"Someone having a rough day?" A voice teased me, wrapping his arms around my waste from behind as I get some material from my locker.

"It's about to get worst. I have to go to algebra. In which Lacey is in." I rolled my eyes and he smirked.

  "Try not to put anyone in the emergency room." He turned me around so I'm facing him.

  "I would never." I gasped innocently.

  "Mhm sure.  I got to go take a smoke before entering my history class. Don't miss me too much." He gave me a soft kiss and walked off, leaving me in a daze.

  I walked off to my algebra class to see Lacey already in her seat... which just so happens to be next to mine.

  I quietly sat down next to her not giving her any notice.

  "So how are things with Keith?" Lacey asked with jealousy and hurt clearly in her tone.

  "Things are ok.." I shrugged it off.

Please don't continue to talk to me.

"He gave me this necklace the first week we met.. has he given anything to you yet?" Lacey said indicating the little gold flower charm on a gold chain that hangs around her neck, trying to get a reaction from me.

Try not to put anyone in the emergency room.

  "No he hasn't." I clenched my jaw.

  "What a shame." She shrugged with a small smug smile on her face.

  "What is your fucking problem? Can you go one day without breathing down my damn neck?" I stood up from my seat glaring at her.

"What's my problem? I'm not the friend who stole the one guy she actually cared about from her!" Anger seethed through her as she stood up meeting my gaze.

   It was as if we were in some sort of starring contest, daring one another to look away.

  "What is going on?" Mr. Brown raised his voice at us, annoyed we disrupted his class.

"She started it!" Lacey pointed her finger at me.

"Oh how mature of you. I thought we passed the first grade. Guess only one of us had." I rolled my eyes.

"Why you little-"

"Both of you go to the principals office. Now." Mr. Brown cut her off.

We angrily stormed down the hall to the principal.

"This is all your fault." Lacey crossed her arms angrily.

"My fault? Your the one who constantly keeps trying to make my life a living hell!" I seethed.

"Well maybe I'm just trying to make you feel, what I feel every day."

We both fell into silence as we entered the office.

"Why are your two sent down here? Your both one of my most behaving students." Ms. Bell looked at us.

"We just had a um... disagreement that's all." I mumbled, the tension clear in the air.

"Well I still can't let you guys go unpunished. Since this is your guys first troublemaking I will just give you guys one day of detention. You can solved your disagreement there. Now get to class. I don't want to have to see you guys here again." Ms. Bell dismissed us.

Lacey and I walked back to class in silence and haven't spoken a word to each other for the rest of the day.

I looked up when I heard Lacey enter the room. Neither of us saying anything, tension filling the air.

"Why?" She asked quietly after a few minutes of silence, startling me.

"Why what?" I knitted my eyebrows together.

"Why did you kiss him?" I froze at the question.

"I don't know. I tried avoiding him but I guess I didn't realize how much I liked him.. if I'm being honest." I said quietly.

All that was left was the silence that filled the room for the rest of detention.

But I could feel some of the tension evaporating slowly.


It's short I know.

This story is probably not going to be anything longer then 25-30 chapters btw.

Also when I'm publishing a chapter it might seem like I'm spamming you sometimes because I publish it twice to three times.

I'm sorry about that, it's some weird glitch where when I'm publishing a chapter not everything gets through. It's hard to explain.

Anyway so it makes me have to republish it and so I'm sorry if I'm spamming your notifications.

Also some people are confused about some of the characters so I'll go through them.

Blake- the football player Blaze met at the party.

Carly- the nerd that a Keith and Dylan betted on at some point who keeps rejecting them.

I think that's about it.

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