Chapter 6

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A/N Here is an idea of what Blaze looks likes in case you wondering. ^^Anyway, Enjoy the chapter! :)

   I angrily walked down the hall to detention with Blaze right by my side.

   "Who does she think she is? She started it, she should be the one in detention." Blaze huffed out angrily.

   Your probably confused.

  Long story short, basically we got in a 'disagreement' with Trina and her two minions, Natasha and Jay.

   Blaze being the smart person she was thought it would be a great idea to punch Natasha in the face.

  "You did punch them, you know." I rolled my eyes.

  "Their existence should be the reason why they shouldn't even be here." Blaze snapped.

  We reached the room to see Keith already in their.

  "Hello ladies." He winked.

  "What the hell did you do?" Was the first thing I asked.

  "Got caught smoking on school grounds." He shrugged.

  "You really shouldn't be smoking. It's bad for your health." I criticized, taking a seat next to him.

  "Haven't heard that one before." He sarcastically remarked.

  "Just trying to help." I raised my arms in the air innocently.

   "Where's the teacher?" Blaze looked around in the empty classroom.

  "Dumbass ate like 4 meatball subs. He is not leaving the bathroom for a while." Keith chuckled.

  Keith then put in his earbuds and loud music began to play, loud enough for a whole class to hear.

  After a few minutes of silence, I began to see the annoyed expression Blaze was giving from the sound coming from Keith's headphones.

  I then snatched his earphones away from him and put in my book bag.

  "What the hell was that?" He snapped at me.

  "You may get these back when you learn to use them right." I said in a motherly tone.

  "Bitch." He mumbled and my eyebrows shot up.

  "Thanks for the compliment." I smiled and he gave me a confused eyebrow raise.

  "Bitches are dogs. Dogs bark. Bark grows on trees. Trees are nature. Nature is beautiful. So you kinda implied I was beautiful. So thank you for the compliment." I gave a wide grin.

  Both of their expressions were priceless. Keith was giving a 'what the fuck' look and Blaze was giving a 'How do I know this hoe again?' look.

"Your welcome" I gave them a wink.

"Are you high?" Rachel asked straight forward.

"Perhaps." I shrugged.

The room then filled with silence once again.

That was until Dylan came barging into the room with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Dylan. How many times have I told you to stop screwing teachers over." Blaze scowled.

"You don't even know what I did." Dylan glared.

Blaze just gave a 'really?' Face with a eyebrow popping up.

"Ok fine. I might of loosened the screws to the teacher's chair, causing her to fall." He mumbled.

"Ok that sounds pretty funny." Blaze laughed.

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