Chapter 9

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    I looked right into his now blazing hazel eyes, filled with anger, frustration and something else I couldn't figure out.

    "If you cared at all about me you wouldn't be putting me through all of this." I whispered, our faces so close that our noses were barely touching.

"Put you through what?" He asked in frustration.

   I opened my mouth to answer but no words came out. I don't even know what's going on but all that did was make me even more frustrated.

  Before I could say anything, he crashed his lips against mine. I froze in shock but before I know it, I melted into the kiss.

   Let me tell you, it isn't one of those 'wow this is nice' kiss. This was more, it was filled with all the emotions we have been feeling and blending it together in this kiss.

   His hands slid down to my waste, gently pulling me closer if that was even possible.

   A groan escaped through his breath when I entangled my hands into his hair and he gently brought my bottom lip between his teeth causing a moan in return.

  "What the hell is going on?!" A familiar voice broke us apart.

  Our eyes were wide and we slowly turned to see a pissed off Lacey.


   "Are you guys just going to stare or are you going to tell me what the hell is going on?" She snapped and I looked down suddenly interested in my feet.

  "What's your problem?" Keith asked her a little annoyed.

   "What's my problem? Your not the one who walked in on your two friends eating each others faces in a public area!" She raised her voice and it completely dawned onto me.

  We were still in the mall. I mean we were in a corner, in the back of the store hidden by several shelves and cloths racks but still.

   "Why do you care? You and I are only friends." Keith clenched his jaw.

  Oh you have done it now Keith.

   "Don't act like you couldn't feel the chemistry between us. And you! I thought you were my friend Rachel!" Lacey snapped her head towards me with hurt filling her voice.

  I looked down ashamed. How could I do this too my friend? I could have prevented this.

  I could have tried harder to stay away from Keith.

  "She did nothing Lacey. I'm the one who kissed her. Don't be mad at her because of my doing." Keith defended me and Lacey narrowed her eyes.

  "Ok. Keith your going to have to choose, you can't have both of us. Who is it going to be, me or Rachel?" Lacey crossed her arms and my heart dropped.

  "Rachel." He said with no hesitance and my eyes widened.

  What? Why me?

Suddenly she walked up to me and slapped me right in the face, causing my face to whip to the side.

   "If that's what you want then fine. I don't care." Lacey sneered and ran off.

   I just stood there in shock.

  Last time I go to the mall.

  "Are you ok?" Keith looked down at me, examining my face but tears were already springing to my eyes.

   "Why did you defend me? Why did you choose me? She's your best friend and I know you like her." I wiped at my eyes but more tears kept coming.

  "Hey it's ok." He avoided my questions and wiped my tears away.

   "No it's not. I caused you to loose her. This is all my fault. I should have avoided you harder I could have prevented this!" I panicked gripping at my hair.

  "Rachel no. If anything you helped me out. Yes it's hurts to loose someone you care about but after seeing her today I think you did me a favor. Plus there is this other girl I have my eyes on that I find a quite more attractive with a beautiful personality." He gave me a smile but I didn't feel any better.

  There is another girl? Who fucking says that shit to a girl after having a steamy make out session with her?

  "Well you should go tell her how you feel. She would be lucky to have a guy like you." I said with jealousy thickening in my tone turning to leave but he grabbed my hand.

"You seriously don't understand? Your the girl. I like you, a lot might I add. You came into my life like a storm and blew away all the negative things in my life leaving in the end the beautiful sunshine."  He put his hand on my cheek and my hands automatically went up to his chest.

   Is this seriously happening? Or am I dreaming?

  I then pinched my arm and winced at the pain.

  "What are you doing?" He asked with a eyebrow raised.

  "Seeing if I'm dreaming." I smiled sheepishly and he smirked.

   "Well are you?" He asked, amusement shining in his eyes.

   "No. Well at least I don't think I am. But if I am this is one good dream." I shrugged and a smile tugged at his lips.

  "Rachel, I know I'm not the best influence or the person to be around... but would you be my girlfriend?" He asked and I froze, my eyes big as saucers.

   If Lacey was truly your friend she would be happy for you if you got together with Keith.

Blaze's words echoed inside of me.

   "Yes I would love to be your girlfriend" I smiled and suddenly his lips were on mine once again.

  But this kiss was more passionate. More gentle and filled with happiness and care.

  I then broke away from the kiss and he looked confused.
   "We are still in the mall." I rolled my eyes and a knowing smirk made its way on his face.

  "So? Let them see. I want to show my amazing new girlfriend off to everyone." He said and I narrowed my eyes.

  I then looked over to see Blaze standing there with all her bags dumped over on the ground, along with her jaw that's resting comfortably on the ground as well.

  She looked between the two of us and closed her mouth eventually.

  "When I said go find something interesting to do I wasn't expecting a whole scene of  Mean Girls  played out right in front of me." She said crossing her arms.

  "This has nothing to do with Mean Girls." I rolled my eyes.

  "If there is some bitch mixed in with drama it might as well be Mean Girls.... You have a shit load to tell me later." She pointed her finger at me and walked off.

  I then turn to Keith who had amusement written all over his face.

   He then bent over and kissed me on the cheek. "I'll see you later Sunshine, don't want to keep your friend waiting." He winked and walked off.

   What the hell just actually happened?

  Ok so firstly in case anyone is confused Lacey and Keith ended up going to the mall together.

Secondly I have a lot of stuff going on so the next update may be around later this week or so.

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