Chapter 5

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"Oops." I mumbled looking at his now ruined shoes.

He just stood there shocked. "Those were new. And costed a lot of money!"

"That's what you get for wearing good shoes around someone who just consumed a shit load of alcohol." I shrugged and a smirk pulled at his lips.

"You owe me 300 bucks." Was all he said and I choked on my saliva.

"Excuse me? I don't owe you shit!" I exclaimed.

"Who's the one who ruined my shoes?" He raised a amused eyebrow.

"Sorry kiddo but that would go to my college savings if I had that kind of money laying around." I shrugged heading back to the party.

"There you guys are!" Lacey came over to us with a big smile.

"For a second I thought you ditched me." She laughed and then faced me.

"You look like a mess." She said wide eyed.

"Thanks Sherlock." I rolled my eyes.

"That attitude is not needed." She scolded me like a mother would.

"So is Keith but he is still here." I pointed my finger at the cocky bastard.

Lacey let out a giggle, "you got me there. Anyway I think Rene and I are going to break up." She bit her lips and I knitted my eyebrows together.

"What? Why?" I asked. They seem to really like each other.

"Because of my parents. I don't know how much longer I can keep him a secret." She sighed.

"Just tell them they can't control who you date." I crossed my arms.

"Thanks Rachel." She gave me a small smile.

Suddenly a girl came towards us,  looking like she just came from 'bed' and looked up at Keith.

"Hey baby.. I was wondering if you wanted be.. alone for a few minutes." She winked and Keith smirked.

"Why of course." He lead her upstairs.

"What happened to his girlfriend?" I asked Lacey and she shook her head.

"He claimed she became to 'obsessive' so he dumped her." She chuckled slightly.

The thing with Keith is, is that he will have girlfriends and not cheat on them but they only last a few days to a week. When he doesn't have a girlfriend though, he is open to one night stands.

  "Figure." Was all I said and she grinned.

  "Ew your still here?" Trina walked over to us.

   "Why wouldn't I be?" I raised a eyebrow facing the witch.

  "Oh I just thought you would have come to your senses." She gave me a fake smile.

  Don't let her get to you.

  "Umm what's going on?" Lacey asked us and Trina turned to her and gave her a knowing smile.

   "Your popular. Your loved and really pretty. Why do you bother hanging with these losers?"  Trina asked her and Lacey stood there frozen.

  Lacey looked hesitant to answer  and opened and closed her mouth a few times.

  "Are you actually considering what she just said?" I asked Lacey feeling a bit betrayed.

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