Chapter 15

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It has been a few week since I started to go out with Keith and I still haven't told my dad yet.


  Simply because I know he won't approve of him. 

  The reason being? He has a piercing. To make matters worst... also a tattoo.

My dad always disapproved of guys with piercings but he laid down the law when saying 'Don't ever date a guy with a tattoo.' 'I will disown you if you ever get a tattoo.'

And shit like that. So not only does Keith have a piercing... he has a tattoo.

  The tattoo though is only a name, which I'm assuming it's his brother's name.. just right on his bicep. It's not that big and not that small. It's big enough to be noticed easily but not big enough for it to be covering up his entire arm.

Either way though, my dad always said even if it's just a name it's doesn't change how it is a tattoo.

   "You are turning 18 in about a month. We moved beyond the stage with your parents approving and disapproving your boyfriends." Blaze threw a ball across the bed to Carly who sits there as well.

  "Sassy girl has a point." Carly threw the ball back to her.

  Carly and Dylan hung out more after the ice skating and within a week he asked her out and she said yes.

  It's one of those things where if someone is friends with or dating one of your close friends then they automatically become your friend.

  Now don't get me wrong I enjoy Carly's company. She's really fun to hang out with.

"I know that.. it's just.. you know how I want my dad to be proud of me and not having any regrets." I said carefully.

Something no one really knows about except Blaze of course is that when my dad found out my mom was pregnant, it's fair to say he was pissed.

  Now he wanted kids in some time of his life but he didn't want the woman who he has only known for about a few weeks and ultimately hates now to be holding his children.

  So.. he wanted a abortion. My mom refused and kept me.

  First my mom told me this when I was about 13 and a few months later my dad admitted it to me as well.

  Ever since then I felt like a burden.. like a mistake. So many thoughts rushed through my head like if my dad really does want me and still to this day I still have doubt because of  the way he would easily give up on me.

  Like when I was around 8 my dad semi gave up on me and refused to acknowledge me for about a day or two because I chose to hang with my mom a few hours after the time I was suppose to go back to him.

The number one thing I wanted was him to be proud of me. I tried so many things like building crafts or drawing him a picture for Father's Day when I was still in elementary school. He said how awesome it was but every time I heard the fake in his tone.

  I want him to be proud of me of whom I have become. But now it feels like the only thing that would make him proud is by doing the one thing he has been pressuring to do ever since I was little.

  Which is leaving my mom.

  "Rachel are you ok? Your looking a bit pale." Carly asked concerned.

"Yeah just was deep in thought for a second." I plastered up a smile.

  "Anyway you should tell him about Keith sooner then later." Blaze said.

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