Chapter 25

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   It has been a couple of weeks since Keith and I got back together.

  Everything has been good and Lacey and I have made things right between us believe it or not.

   We talked about everything and settled to a agreement and even though we may not be as close to each other as we use to be, we are in a better place now.

    Keith and I? We are even stronger now and this time I'm never letting him go. I will always fight for him.

     "Stafford get your head out of clouds!" Coach shouted at me.

   Yeah this is our last soccer game of the season.

   My position was forward wing and right when I saw the forwards had the ball that was my cue to sprint up the field.

   They kicked the ball all the way up to me and I dribbled it to the end line and passed it back up to the forwards, who were right in front of net and scored.

    All of us cheered except one person, Trina.

  Trina was one of the forwards and hated every time I assisted or scored.

  I met her cold eyes and turned away. What have I ever done to her?

   We lined back up in our positions on our side of the field and gave the other team the ball.

  The referee blew the whistle and the other team started moving up with the ball towards our goal.

   Suddenly Trina came in and tried to take the ball away but something caught my eyes that no one else saw.  The girl with the ball sneakily brought her foot around and kicked Trina in the back of the foot on purpose, causing Trina to fall but looked like more she tripped.

   The other team began taking the ball up the field but what shocked me was when no one from our team helped Trina and make sure she was ok.

   I was about  to run up the field but of course I would look back and start feeling guilty. I jogged up to Trina and reached my hand out to her.

  She looked up at me with shock in her eyes but still took my hand and pulled her up.

  "Why did you help me?" Trina asked quietly.

   "We way not be the best of friends like we use to be at school. But you are still my teammate on this field and that's all that matters." I gave her a encouraging smile and she nodded her head.

  "Is your foot ok?"  I asked.

  "Yeah it's fine, don't worry." She gave me a small smile and I nodded.

  "Ok well we still have a couple minutes left in the game so let's give it our all." I encouraged and she nodded her head.

  We ran up to our positions and quickly got the ball back and began running down the fields to the enemy's goal.

  I got passed the ball and saw there was only 20 seconds left of game. I sprinted with the ball all the way down the field. I was going to score.

  I came in towards the net and attempted a trick shot.

I made my body look like I was kicking it to the right so the goalie went in that direction and then kicked it to the left of the goal.

  My foot barely hit the ball and it wasn't going to go in.

  5 seconds on the clock, Trina came in and added pressure to the ball and kicked it right in.

  A horn buzzed throughout the field from the clock reaching zero. We won by one point.

  Suddenly everyone starts cheering for Trina.

  "Oh my god that shot you made was amazing"

"That was a great trick shot! That had to be hard sometime you should teach me!"

  They all started going crazy over it and even the stuff I did, they gave Trina credit for.

I sighed and was about to walk away, that was until-

  "I didn't do it by myself. Rachel was the one who really did it. I just helped push the ball into the net." I looked over to see Trina giving me a small smile and I returned it.

"Peanut butter cups!"
"Peanut butter cups!"
"Peanut butt-"

"Will you two fucking shut up?!" I shouted at them as I grabbed my stuff from my locker.

  "I would if this dingus didn't think KitKats are better then peanut butter cups." Blaze shot Dylan a glare.

  "I really don't care just shut up. But Dylan, Blaze is right about peanut butter cups being better." I gave him a wink and he pouted.

  "KitKats are obviously better." Keith whispered in my ear from behind me.

  I turned around facing him and brought his lips down to mine.

  "You wish." I smirked when we broke apart.

   Suddenly Trina came walking down the hall and when she caught my eye instead of scowling, she smiled. She then continued where she was going.

"Hey Rachel." Blaze asked me.


"What the fuck was that!?" Blaze  waved her arms at the retreating Trina.

  I sighed and told them what happened at the game a few days ago on Friday.

  Their confused expression slowly turned into shock. Dylan was the first to speak when I finished.

"So all I had to do was help her up for us to become besties?" Dylan widened his eyes.

  "I mean it's a bit weird but I kind of get it. No one else helped her and the person who did was the one she hated most and thought I hated most.

  "Well yeah but-" Blaze started.

  "Let's just leave it. I'm too tired to go through Trina's version of psychology." I rolled my eyes as we headed to our next class.

Keith and I headed to English together and sat in the back of the class where we usually did.

  Keith's hand rested comfortably on my thigh and honestly I liked it there.

  I put my hand over his and leaned closer to him.

   Everything was good and fine until the door opened revealing Lacey.

  "What are you doing in this class?" Mrs. Goodwill asked.

  "Oh didn't you know? I got my schedule changed so I have this class this hour now." Lacey smiled directing at Keith and I.

Keith stiffened his body when she sent him a week.

  What the fuck?

"Oh you are correct. Take a seat next to Rachel will you?" Mrs. Goodwill double checked who is in her class.

  "Of course." Lacey sent a quick smirk my way.

  I thought we were good now. I thought we talked things through. Maybes I'm just seeing things and she isn't giving Leith flirty looks and me wicked ones.

  "You really thought I was going to back down from Keith? He is my best friend. My best friend that I have been in loved with for god knows how long. You took him away from me." Lacey quietly sneered, out of ear shot from Keith.

  I looked into her broken hazelnut eyes.

  Why do I keep hurting the people I love?

Only two more chapters left until this story is finished!

I'm sorry I haven't updated in the last two months, I just needed a break.


If you haven't yet, go re read the last two chapters because I redid them.

So please go re read them.

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