Chapter 26

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"I will break her face. She needs to get over herself." Blaze said as she washed the dishes.

"I mean I get where she is coming from. Imagine having a crush on your best friend and lose him over a different girl. That has to hurt." I sighed.

"Did you forget what I told you? She should be happy for you either way. She wouldn't have lost him if she was just there for you guys." Blaze put the dishes down and rubbed her face impatiently.

"You're right but it sucks to know I am causing pain to her." I shrugged.

"Of course that will suck. But this is your happiness we are talking about. Anytime someone wants your boyfriend are you just going to give them what they want?" Blaze raised a eyebrow.

  "No but-"

  "Don't bring asses into this. I don't want to hear those nasty 'but's'." Blaze smiled.

   "Now get some rest. We got school tomorrow and if I'm late one more time then I have detention." Blaze walked off and I sighed.

  I went to my bed and laid down.

  When did my life become such a mess?

  I got together with the schools bad boy. Lost my dad. Kind of friends with Trina again. Lost Lacey as a friend and made her my enemy.

   I peeled my eyes open as the sun shined through my window and on my face.

  I got up slowly and yawned.

"Rachel! Are you up yet?" Blaze shouted from the other side of the door.

  "Yeah. I'll be ready soon!" I shouted back.

  I then changed into some shorts and a black tank crop top.

Once I put on my mascara and eyeliner I headed out of my room and down the hall to the kitchen.

   "Took you long enough." Blaze said in fake annoyance.

   "You and I both know you don't want to be at school."  I rolled my eyes.

   "You're right. I just don't want detention for the last month of school." Blaze smirked as we headed to her car.

  I ignored her comment and got in the passenger seat.

  When we arrived at school relief filled me as I saw Keith and Dylan waiting there talking to each other.

  I know it has been a week since we got back together but the time we were apart was complete hell and it always hurt to not see Keith waiting for our arrival with Dylan.

   We got out of the car and Keith came up to me and pecked me on the lips.

  "There's my  Sunshine." He gave me a charming smile and hugged me close to him.

  "I love you." I smiled into his chest.

   "I love you more. Nobody means more to me then you. I promise I will never let you leave or leave you again." He whispered in my ear.

  "I know and I trust you."

  "Umm are you guys done yet? Two single people here." Dylan coughed  making us break a part.

   "Who's faults are that?" Keith asked them causing Blaze and Dylan to glare at us.

  "They both just got too clingy." Blaze rolled her eyes but I can tell there is another reason behind their guy's breakups with Blake and Carly.

  Even if they don't know it yet I always catch the small little caring looks they give each other when the other isn't paying attention.

But I'm not going to get involved, they need to figure that out themselves.

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