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Song: What About Us by P!nk
I suggest you play this while reading.
3 years later
*.*.*Keith's P.O.V*.*.*.

I stood at the front in my black suit waiting for my beautiful soon to be wife to walk down the isle.

The bridal music began playing and Rosie came walking down the isle with a basket of petals dropping them down as she walked and not far behind her, the love of my life.

All my nervousness washed away as soon as those beautiful hazelnut eyes met mine. She slowly walked down the isle with her head held high, a graceful smile on her soft lips. Her soft long hair, held up in a braided bun and her white long dress molding her body.

Her eyes never left mine and she sent me a wink when she finally stood in front of me.

"Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness-" I stopped listening and got lost in her loving soft hazel eyes.

She stared right back at me, never loosing her smile.

I then looked over in the front row and met my best friend's eyes. Rachel. She looked right back at me with a encouraging smile and part of my heart broke.

There will always be a part of my heart that will always belong to her.

*.*.*.Rachel's P.O.V*.*.*.

I watched as the love of my life got married to one of my best friends.

Life's a bitch huh?

Keith turned his head towards me and met my gaze. All I could do was give him a encouraging smile and wish him on with his life.

I may not be there for him as his girlfriend anymore but I'll always be there for him as a friend.

He will always have a piece of my heart whether I like it or not.

The past 4 years have been a complete rollercoaster.

The day Keith chose between Lacey and I, well as you can see he chose Lacey.

He promised me that day he would never leave me for someone else but he broke that promise.

I forgive him.

Hell I'll always forgive him.

Blaze stood at the front, being one of Lacey's bridesmaids. She hasn't change that much, still a great friend with a fiery temper.

I was also asked to be a bridesmaid but I couldn't. It would hurt to much to have to stand up there and watch everything

Dylan also stood at the front by Keith being his best man. He also hasn't change but he lost his player side.

Why? Because he and Blaze finally got together two years ago.

Then I'm the single pringle being the 5th wheel to everything.

I never saw my dad after what happened with Keith. In fact he changed his phone number.

My mom and I got closer and I don't regret anything with how things ended.

Yes I'll always miss my dad but all he did was make me stronger and see a new light to things.

Anyone in their right minds would hate to be in my shoes but honestly, I don't regret anything that has happened.

I made many mistakes but there isn't one I regret because I wouldn't be here, watching two of my great friends get married while the other two make weird faces at each other when the priest isn't looking.

I wouldn't want anything to change because I have it good.

I'm a stronger more independent woman now with four amazing friends right by my side.

Yes I wish maybe something better could have happened between us and be up there marrying him instead of Lacey, but I'm not and that's reality.

I accepted this fate a long time ago and I'm happy for them.

I'll always love Keith and I know some part of him will always love me but he belongs to Lacey now.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." The priest said.

Yeah I can't watch this.

I slowly got up and walked out of the church and outside.

I just need some fresh air.

Without paying attention I walked completely oblivious to anything and rammed into a wall.

Before I could fall, two arms snakes themselves around me, keeping me from falling.

Wait.. walls don't have arms.

I looked up and gasped when I gazed up at two familiar blue/grey stormy eyes.

"We really need to stop meeting like this Chica." His soft Spanish accent leaked through his husky voice.

"It's you.. I never got you're name." I scanned his perfectly sculpted face.

"Carlos." He helped stand me back up right.

I was speechless, he still looked as sexy, maybe even a bit more sexy from the last time I saw him.

"Well Rachel... Would you like to get a coffee sometime." He asked, his face millimeters away from mine.

"I would like that."

The End


If you can't tell right now I'm crying.

It's finally the end of the book, oh my god!

Writing this chapter was so hard for me because like... I sunk Keith's and Rachel's ship.

Sorry about that.

If you guys don't remember Carlos, that's ok because he played a short scene (but obviously a important one) in chapter 8.

I can't believe this book has finally come to its end. You guys were so much help in this because you guys continuously encouraged me to continue it.

  Now the next chapter will be a questions and answers from you guys messaging me questions on something's about the story.

So take a look at that!

Remember to Comment, vote, and share!

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