Chapter 7

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"Rachel I really need to talk to you." Lacey comes walking up to me at the end of English.

"Hmm what?" I turned facing her.

"Well-" suddenly she was cut off by Dylan.

"Hey girlies, what we talking about here?" He grins, wrapping his arms around our shoulders.

"Well uh-" Lacey tries to come up with a topic.

"We were talking about.. girl problems." I said giving the 'you know what I'm talking about' look.

"Well! I would love to stay and chat but a hot girl is checking me out... see you!" He quickly stalked off and I had to resist the urge to laugh.

   "What's up with boys always getting awkward when you are on the topic of periods. They act like they don't have one once a month. Hypocrites." Lacey laughed.

  "Haha yeah... What did you need to talk about?" I asked smiling.

  "Oh right.. well uh.." she mumbled to herself, suddenly interested in her shoes.

   "You can tell me, I promise you I won't scream it out to the world." I joked and she gave me a smile.

  "I think I like Keith." She blurted, her face turning red.

  Me? I just froze.

   I opened and closed my mouth a few times but nothing came out.

   "You ok? You look like you went into shock or something." Lacey laughed nervously, bringing me out of my thoughts.

   "Oh right! What about Rene though?" I asked trying to play it cool. As if I didn't feel like I just got stabbed with a knife.

   "Oh we are over. Didn't really work out I guess.. Anyway what should I do?"  She bit her lip and I froze.

   What's going on with me?

  You like him Idiot.

  Who asked you?

   You really want to do this again because hunny I will bring you down.

   "Umm hello?" Lacey snapped me out of my thoughts with a eyebrow raised.

  "Right umm.. Do you know if he likes you back?" I tried asking her.

   "I'm pretty sure he does. A few years ago he liked me and told me  how he felt but he chickened out in asking me out.. so we never got together. But he never looks at a girl like he does with me." She smiled and I felt like I just sucker punched right in the face.

   "You do whatever feels right." I encouraged giving a tight smile.

   "Okay. Thanks for being here, I just really needed to get that off my chest." She grinned and suddenly the bell rang signaling us to our next class.

  We both walked out of English, saying our good byes.

   The first thing I saw Blaze at lunch I immediately grabbed hold of her, bringing  her out in the hall.

    "What's the matter with you?" She spluttered.

   "Why did it hurt so much when Lacey told me how she felt about Keith? And why did I feel like I just got betrayed when she said he use to like her?" I cried out in frustration.

   "Rachel... Rachel!.... RACHEL!" Blaze yelled at me when I didn't pay attention to her.

   "What?" I looked up at her ice blue eyes.

   "I know what's going on.. and I think your beginning too. You like Keith." She sighed.

   "I don't. I can't! How do you think things will end if I go and steal, not just her best friend but her crush? Also what about our friendship? I can't do that to her! I can't and won't like Keith. If I do then I will just learn not to like him... I can just limit my minutes with him or something." I struggled.

   "Rachel. Whether you like it or not, you got yourself stuck in a love triangle. I also see the way he looks at you and it isn't a  'oh she is my friend' way." Blaze said.

  "What should I do?" I sighed but the answer she gave me was a answer I did not expect.

  "Make him jealous." She smirked.

  "Excuse me?" I asked as if I didn't hear her right.

   "You heard me loud and clear girl. Make him jealous. Look you and Lacey are friends, and if you are truly friends a boy shouldn't change that. Whoever he ends up with, the other should respect that... even if it hurts like a bitch." Blaze argued.

  "We don't even know if he likes me! Maybe I do have some feelings for him but I don't want to ruin our friendship. For all we know it could just be lust." I argued back but she just gave me a eye roll.

   "Well you know I'm here if you ever change your mind." Blaze smiled and lead us back to the lunch room where everyone else was sitting.

  "What took you guys so long?" Keith took one of my fries and I glared at him.

   "Hey that fry at least cost me a penny! You know how much money that is?" I huffed angrily.

   "You still owe me 5 bucks." Keith raised a eyebrow.

   "You still remember that?" I frowned.

   "How could I ever forget money?" He smirked and suddenly we heard someone clearing their throat and we looked over at Lacey who looks a bit annoyed.

  Blaze just sat next to me looking smug and gave me a wink but I just shook my head no at her.

   "Anyway.. I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house after school Keith." Lacey smiled widely at him.

   Please say no, please say no, please say-

   "Sure why not?" He smiled down at her.

   Why not? Because you just ripped my heart out by saying yes.

   So now you agree?

  Shut up.

Sorry for the short chapter.

  If I'm moving things to fast please let me know. It would be helpful.

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