♡baby boys need attention♡

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requested by geen-ote i hope it's okay, i tried


hoseok was not happy. it had been almost a full week of yoongi not paying any attention to him. he knew is daddy was busy and working hard, but he still had his own needs that needed to be fulfilled. he missed his daddy's loving kisses and hugs. he missed giggling with his daddy and their afternoon naps together.

taehyung was always happy to hang out with hoseok, and had volunteered to spend time with the little for yoongi. he'd been coming over everyday and playing with him. he'd been making him lunch and dinner, and been putting him down for his nap everyday. all yoongi had been doing was dressing him, giving him breakfast, and putting him to bed at night. they rarely saw each other during the day, and when they did they didn't really talk.

hoseok of course loved taehyung, but taehyung isn't his daddy. normally, hoseok was very well behaved, but not getting any attention from his caregiver was making him extremely cranky.

today, taehyung couldn't come over and watch hoseok so the little was completely alone. occasionally yoongi would come out of his office to check on him, but then he'd go right back in.

hoseok was desperate for his attention and his brain was telling him he had to do something drastic. he thought about making a mess with his toys or maybe his clothes, but decided against it. he needed to do something his caregiver would notice right away. it was like the little's way of getting back at yoongi for ignoring him.

he heard the door to yoongi's office open and close. his footsteps headed towards the bathroom gave him his opportunity. he dashed from his spot to the living room and into his daddy's office. he looked around for what he could do, then spotted his target.

lying on his desk were some blank music sheets; his daddy had yet to write anything on them. he grabbed the papers and ripped one of them in half. he giggled and liked the noise it made, so he ripped the halves even more.

knowing that his daddy might be back soon, he quickly shredded the rest of the sheets and left them all over the floor. he scurried back into the living room just in time, as his daddy was just exiting the bathroom.

"are you alright, little one?" yoongi poked his head in the room to check on him quickly.

"oh uh, fine, daddy!" hoseok replied quickly.

yoongi hummed and walked back to his office. hoseok was actually starting to feel a bit worried. he was going to get in trouble now. maybe he shouldn't have done that.

"hoseok! get in here right now!" yoongi yelled angrily from his studio.

feeling guilt begin to settle in his stomach, he rose from the couch and shuffled into the office. yoongi stood with a furious expression on his face and the fragments of paper in one hand.

"explain!" yoongi shouted angrily holding up the torn papers.

hoseok just stared down at his feet, unable to speak.

"why would you rip up music i've been working so hard on?" he waited for a response but got none, "go sit in the corner while i think of a punishment. now!" he huffed.

a now teary eyed hoseok stumbled his way out. he didn't think about how angry his daddy would get. he just wanted his attention.

yoongi sighed and ran a hand through his hair. he knew that he'd been working a lot lately, but hoseok had always been well behaved. was it because he wasn't watching him he thought he could misbehave?

he tossed the shredded pieces on his desk. he began sorting through the fragments in an attempt to maybe put them back together. that's when he noticed something. they were blank. hoseok hadn't ripped up his actual work.

hoseok shouldn't have had to do something like this for him to notice. he hadn't been spending time with him and now he'd made hoseok sad. he wanted to kick his own ass for ignoring his baby boy.

with a sigh, he got up from his desk and walked out of the room. he entered the living room and saw hoseok crying in the corner with his head down and his knees pulled up to his chest.

the little lifted his head when he heard his footsteps. he ran to his daddy and flung his arms around him tightly.

"i-i'm so sorry, daddy, i just wanted y-you," he sobbed into his chest.

yoongi held him close and rocked him back and forth softly.

"i'm so sorry, baby boy. i've been a very bad daddy. i didn't realize how upset you were. i should've paid more attention," he stroked his soft hair as he spoke.

"d-daddy was ignoring hobi," his lip quivered.

"i know, and i'm so sorry. daddy hasn't been loving his baby like he should. daddy's going to spend the rest of the day with you now. does that sound nice?" he asked titling the little's chin up to look at him.

"y-yes, daddy," hoseok stuttered as yoongi wiped his tears from his face.

"why don't you pick a movie and i'll get you a snack, baby buck," yoongi began to pull away.

"don't leave hobi!" the little wailed and gripped onto his daddy's arm.

yoongi hooked his arms under the little's armpits and lifted him onto his hip. with one hand around the little's thin waist, he walked into the kitchen. he pulled a little, plastic princess bowl out of the cupboard. he picked up the box of cheez-its and poured some in.

he walked back out to the living room and sat them down on the couch. hoseok, still clung to his side, reached his hand into the bowl and took out a cracker. yoongi grabbed the remote and scrolled through the movies until hoseok settled on mulan. yoongi kissed his forehead and rubbed his side comfortingly.

"i love you, hoseok. never forget that," he murmured into his hair.

"i won't, daddy. i love you too," the little smiled, now satisfied with his daddy's love.

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