♡big fat meanie pt.2♡

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requested by _JIKOOKS_THIGHS_

"min yoongi! your sorry ass has a lot of explaining to do!" seokjin's screaming was the first thing yoongi heard when he walked into the dorms.

yoongi sighed, knowing fully well why seokjin was yelling at him. he deserved it, he wouldn't deny that. he truly felt guilty for what he said to hoseok. as soon as the words had left his mouth he and he saw his reaction he immediately regretted it.

he dragged his feet into the living room where seokjin sat with a furious expression on his face. yoongi had worked really late so the rest of the members were already in their rooms.

"would you mind explaining to me why the hell hoseok came to me crying saying that you were yelling at him?" seokjin demanded standing to his feet, crossing his arms over his chest.

"i lost my temper. i didn't mean-"

"that's no excuse! you have absolutely no fucking idea how much you hurt him. after he came to me and i tried to calm him down, he shut himself inside his room and hasn't come out. jimin and jungkook say that he hasn't said a word to them," seokjin was fuming, but when he saw the look in yoongi's eyes change as he spoke, he softened a bit.

yoongi felt like his heart was going to break as seokjin spoke. he knew he said some messed up shit, but he was just tired and grumpy. he didn't mean any of it.

"i didn't mean anything i said, hyung. i never meant to hurt him," yoongi said lowering his gaze to the ground, "but why is he so affected? i mean, i know i was a complete asshole, but he normally gets over being yelled at after a couple hours."

"because he's in love with you, yoongi-ah. that's what he wanted to tell you. he's loved you for a long time and wanted you to be his caregiver. he was just scared to confess," seokjin explained, his soft tone soon turning harsh again, "but you completely shattered his confidence. he thinks you hate him."

"goddamnit," yoongi cursed, he felt like pulling his hair out, "i don't hate him. i love him," yoongi mumbled the last part.

"i'm going to fucking bed, and by the time your sorry ass does too, everything better fucking be sunshine and rainbows by morning. if it isn't, your head will be on my wall," seokjin announced with a growl trudging past the younger down the hall.

the truth is, yoongi actually was annoyed that hoseok had been clinging to him recently. he was annoyed because he wanted hoseok all to himself. he wanted to be his boyfriend; wanted to be his caregiver. it was starting to get hard to be around a clingy hoseok when he knew he wasn't anything special to him. it was beginning to get frustrating that hoseok was so close but so far.

but now that he knew hoseok actually did want him, that changed everything. yoongi thought hoseok only saw him as a fellow bandmate, as his brother.

yoongi walked down the hall and stopped when he got to the three j room. he slowly twisted the knob and pushed open the door. hoseok was curled up into a ball and buried under his covers. jungkook and jimin were in their bunk bed, both of them awake.

"well, look who it is," jimin said in a venom laced tone.

yoongi rolled his eyes and fully stepped into the room. jimin and jungkook watched him with a glare as he approached hoseok's bed. he turned and looked at the two.

"get out, brats. we need privacy."

jungkook snorted, "like we'd leave you in here alone with him. you caused this," he gestured towards the lump of sunshine huddled under his blankets.

yoongi sighed and rubbed his temples, "you can sleep in hyung's bed for the night," he huffed.

jimin and jungkook shot up at the offer. everyone knew yoongi had the comfiest bed, and no one else had been on it but him, and of course hoseok, since he didn't allow others near it. he claimed everyone else would just taint the comfy-ness of the mattress. they looked at each other, silently making their decision, before they made their way out of the room, shutting the door behind them.

"seokie? are you awake, buddy?" yoongi asked sitting down on the bed.

just as he expected, hoseok didn't answer him. however, his breath hitched when yoongi placed a hand on his back which told the older he was much in fact awake.

yoongi slowly peeled the covers away from the younger's body. hoseok shut his eyes tightly and curled closer to himself.

"i know you're awake, bud. i just want to talk to you," yoongi said rubbing the little's back softly.

hoseok timidly opened his eyes and looked at his hyung. his eyes were red and puffy and he had a small pout on his face. he sat up slowly and pulled his knees to his chest.

"s-sorry, yoonie," he whispered with sad eyes, his voice a bit cracked from the crying he did, "hobi sowy for making yoonie angwy."

"no, seokie, it's not your fault. hyung is sorry. hyung should have never said those things to you. he didn't mean it," yoongi said scooting closer and placing a hand on his knee.

hoseok stared at his hand and slowly put his smaller hand on top. he played with yoongi's fingers slowly. he kept his eyes trained on their hands, not meeting yoongi's gaze.

"i mean it, hoseok. you don't bother me at all. i like that you enjoy being around me so much. you make me very happy, alright? hyung was a big, fat meanie. seokie didn't do anything wrong. hyung is stupid," yoongi told him.

hoseok giggled slightly and a small, gentle smile formed on his face, "hyungie's not stupid. hobi forgives you," he said lacing his fingers with yoongi's.

"you're too sweet, baby," yoongi sighed happily a fond smile gracing his lips.

hoseok blushed a bright red at the pet name and ducked his head. yoongi chuckled at that and pulled hoseok into a hug. hoseok squeaked in surprise but then quickly snuggled into his hold.

they sat there in the middle of the bed for awhile embracing one another. hoseok was wrapped tight in yoongi's arms with a smile on his lips. yoongi pulled back slightly so he could face hoseok.

"i still need to talk to you," he said looking at hoseok lovingly.

"what is it, hyungie?"

"jinnie hyung told me something," hoseok tensed at his words, "he told me that you love me, and you want me to be your caregiver. is that true, buddy?" he asked.

hoseok took in a deep breath, then nodded his head, "it is," he said in a small voice, looking away ashamed.

"buddy, look at hyung," he gently cupped his face in his hands, "because, baby, i love you too."

hoseok gasped and looked at him with wide eyes. his heart sped up as he stared into yoongi's eyes.

"baby, would you do me the honor of becoming my boyfriend?" he asked brushing some hair behind his ear.

hoseok squealed happily and nodded excitedly. he jumped onto yoongi causing them to fall backwards on the mattress together. yoongi laughed as hoseok snuggled into his shirt and held on tightly to him.

"will yoonie be hobi's daddy?" hoseok asked excitedly sitting up abruptly.

"of course, baby," yoongi smiled, sitting up to kiss his cheek.

hoseok blushed when his lips came in contact with his skin. he shyly pecked yoongi on his cheek and blushed even harder.

"daddy," hoseok said testing out the name.

"yes, baby boy?" yoongi asked still smiling like a love-struck idiot.

"will daddy sleep with hobi? every night?" he asked.

"if that's what my sweet baby wants," he grinned kissing hoseok on the nose.

and that's how seokjin, jimin, and jungkook found them in the morning clinging tightly to each other, cuddled up in hoseok's bed with small peaceful smiles on their faces.

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