♡got hurties♡

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"go, holly, go!" hoseok cheered as the dog raced after the stick the little had thrown for the millionth time.

neither of the boys could ever get tired of it. holly eagerly chased after the prized stick every time and hoseok clapped and giggled happily as he watched the excited dog.

holly retrieved the stick and trotted back to the smiling little. he dropped the stick at hoseok's feet and looked up expectantly, wagging his tail.

hoseok bent down and sat on his bare knees. holly yipped happily at him and jumped up to lick his face. the little was a giggling mess as he fell backwards. both boys tumbled in the grass playfully.

yoongi smiled as he watched his boys from the window inside the house. a fond smile played on his lips as he saw them both get up and start playing a game of tag. hoseok had been in a very playful mood lately. yoongi needed a break from endless piggyback rides and hour-long games of hide and seek, so he suggested the little take holly outside.

hoseok laughed happily as ran away from holly. unfortunately, the little wasn't paying attention to where he was going. he tripped over his own feet and went tumbling to the ground. he reached out his arms to try and catch himself, but scraped his knees against the ground. he felt pain in his knees and let out a little whimper.

he pulled himself up and tears immediately began to prick his eyes. the stinging in his knees hurt, but he had scared himself more than anything.

holly padded up to the now crying boy, sensing something was wrong. he tentatively leaned forward and licked hoseok's fingers in an attempt to comfort him. hoseok smiled bitterly and sniffed.

yoongi opened the front door and stepped out into the yard. hoseok looked up at the noise and started crying hard when he saw his daddy.

"daddy! i got hurties!" the little wailed sticking out his arms to be held.

yoongi scooped him up and hugged him tightly.

"shh, baby boy, daddy's got you. you're alright," he comforted the sobbing little.

he cradled the crying hoseok's head with one hand and rubbed his back in circles with the other. hoseok tucked his face into his neck and gripped his shirt tightly, his tears soaking through yoongi's shirt. yoongi carried him back into the house while holly ran ahead.

yoongi brought hoseok to the bathroom and placed him on top of the sink. he pryed the sniffling little's hands off him. he cupped the little's flushed, tear stained cheeks and tilted his head up.

"don't cry anymore, baby boy," yoongi leaned in and kissed under his baby's eyes and his cheeks.

"i-i-i won't, dada. i'm a bi-big boy," hoseok sniffed.

yoongi picked up a rag and put it under the warm water from the faucet. he gently dabbed the damp rag over the dried blood staining the little's knees. once he was clean yoongi examined the damage.

"you silly thing. crying over a small scratch? you just scared yourself," yoongi chuckled.

"boo-boos hurted, daddy," the little pouted.

"i know, baby, but you're alright. you're my strong, little boy," yoongi smiled kissing him on the cheek.

yoongi bent down and opened the cabinets under the sink. he grabbed two of the disney princess bandaids. he placed snow white on hoseok's right knee and ariel on his left knee.

"there, all done. do you feel better now?" yoongi questioned rubbing the little's thighs.

"n-no," hoseok frowned sadly looking down.


"you have to kiss my boo-boos, dada."

"oh!" yoongi exclaimed slapping himself on the forehead, "how could daddy forget that! what a silly daddy!"

hoseok giggled and kicked his legs slightly. yoongi smiled at him and bent down between the little's legs. he gently placed a kiss on the left knee, then the right.

"there. now, don't hurt my beautiful baby boy anymore. don't make him cry, it's not very nice," yoongi mock-scolded shaking his finger at hoseok's bandaged knees.

"silly! daddy's funny," hoseok laughed, a bright smile finally forming on his face.

"there's my smiling boy! now, let's go my, sweet prince. it's time for spongebob," yoongi announced hooking his arm under the little's tanned legs and hoisting him up.

yoongi carried the little into the living room bridal style. he sat down on the couch and held hoseok in his lap. hoseok snuggled up to his daddy as yoongi cut on the tv and searched for the desired cartoon.

hearing the noise, holly trotted into the room and jumped up on the couch. normally, he wouldn't be allowed, but yoongi let it slide since he was cuddling with hoseok.

sensing hoseok was happy again, holly wagged his tail and settled on the little's lap, licking his hands. hoseok sighed happily as he watched his cartoon, receiving doggy kisses on his hands and daddy kisses on his neck.

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