♡big fat meanie pt. 1♡

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requested by _JIKOOKS_THIGHS_ sorry this took like seventy four years but i've finally written it.

~just a bit of info before you read: this is a non au and hoseok doesn't really have a caregiver although he wants yoongi to be his daddy, he's just too shy to ask. he has a crush on yoongi and clings to him all the time. yoongi doesn't know and jin eventually finds out.



"yoonie-hyungie! yoonie-hyungie!" hoseok ran squealing into yoongi's room excitedly.

"yoon-yoon, save me!" he wailed jumping onto the elder who was relaxing on his bed watching a drama.

he was panting heavily with a look of excitement on his face mixed with a bit of mischief. yoongi sat up with a sigh, and a bit of a struggle considering hoseok was clinging onto him like a koala, and cut off his tv.

he was about to ask why the hell hoseok just burst into his room when his unvoiced questioned was answered when the maknae line came sprinting down the hallway, stopping at yoongi's open door.

"ah! save me!" hoseok squealed again trying to hide himself in yoongi's chest.

"stop chasing hoseok," yoongi said in a dull tone.

"but, hyung, we're-" jimin started

"i said stop," he said in a stern voice turning towards the three boys.

"you're no fun," jungkook pouted, all three walking away defeatedly.

"oh thank you, yoonie!" hoseok cheered once they were gone and he had concluded he was safe.

he threw his arms around yoongi's neck and kissed him on the cheek. he pulled back quickly with an embarrassed squeak and a red face. he fumbled with his sweater paws and smiled shyly.

"you're welcome, buddy," yoongi smiled softly.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

"hey, hyungie," hoseok said shyly, walking into yoongi's room as the elder was getting ready for bed.

he'd been up later than usual and was just now changing into his pajamas.

"hey, bud, what are you doing up so late? jin-hyung will kill you if he finds out," he whispered as he slipped his t-shirt over his head.

"um, well, uh, hobi had a bad dweam," he mumbled looking down at his socked feet. "can hobi sweep wif you?"

"uh sure, seokie," yoongi said getting into his bed and patting the space beside him.

hoseok tip-toed over as to not wake up their sleeping hyung and slid into the space meant for him. he latched onto yoongi with one arm and slid his thumb into his mouth. yoongi loosely wrapped his arm around his waist and they drifted off to sleep together.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

"jung hoseok! stop fighting me and eat your breakfast," seokjin cried, ready to rip his own hair out.

hoseok was grumpy today and was refusing to do anything. he wouldn't get out of bed, or dress himself, and most certainly didn't give seokjin his morning hug and kiss.

"nu-uh," he pouted and folding his arms, looking away from the fork-full of pancake seokjin was offering him.

"why are you being so difficult. why can't you just eat for hyung? don't you want to be a good boy?" seokjin asked trying to coax him to eat.

"want yoon-yoon!" hoseok said kicking his leg in protest.

seokjin sighed and lowered the plastic fork. just as he was about to lose all of his sanity, yoongi walked into the kitchen yawning loudly.

"oh thank jesus!" seokjin cried throwing his hands in the air.

he got up quickly and yanked yoongi down so he was sitting in the chair he was previously in.

"he's being difficult and wants you to feed him."

"uh, why me?" yoongi asked confused.

"i don't know! just please do it, he's been like this all morning," seokjin said gesturing towards the pouty little.

yoongi picked up the fork, "hey, bud. will you take a bite for hyungie?" he asked.

hoseok brightened up and shook his head, leaning forward and eating the piece of pancake.

seokjin watched with amazement as yoongi fed the little his entire breakfast without one complaint.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

"hey, yoonie-hyungie, can i ask you something?" hoseok asked shyly walking into his studio.

today was the day he was finally going to tell yoongi about his crush and ask him to be his caregiver. he was really nervous and had been debating this moment all week.

when he was in big space seokjin had asked him why he'd been so attached to yoongi recently and he coaxed it out of hoseok. he actually encouraged hoseok to confess to yoongi.

yoongi didn't move or say hello, he just kept continuing mixing the song he was working on. hoseok stepped closer and waited for a response. when he got none he tried again.


yoongi let out a grunt as a half-assed response and kept his eyes trained on the screen. hoseok walked up to him and poked him on the shoulder.

"hyungie, can i-"

"what, hoseok? what the fuck is so important that you have to ask me?" yoongi snapped turning towards hoseok with a surprising amount of anger in his eyes.

hoseok was shocked by his words and took a small step backwards.

"can't you see i'm busy working? why do you always have to annoy me? you haven't slept in your own bed in weeks because you've been in mine, i've been feeding you almost all of your meals, you want me to put you down for your nap and you cry for me when you wake up, and you fucking cling onto me and wear my goddamn clothes constantly. what the fuck could you possibly want from me?" yoongi ranted.

a few tears welled up in hoseok's eyes. he didn't realize he made yoongi that angry. all his words got stuck in his throat as he stared dumbly at yoongi.

"uh... i-i-i-"

"if you're not gonna fucking say anything, then get out. i'm busy. go bother some other poor bastard somewhere else for a change," he grumbled turning back to his computer.

hoseok stumbled back and sprinted from the room, the tears he was holding back now freely falling down his face.

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