♡thank you, mister♡

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requested by draciceczsfmcarmy

hybrid au
this is the first hybrid story i've ever written so i got sorta carried away hehe 😅 i hope this isn't too boring or unbearable to read


yoongi watched his feet as he walked along the sidewalk. he pulled his hood tighter around his face and inwardly sighed. he knew it was a dumb idea to walk today instead of taking his car. the rain pelted down on him harder as he picked up his pace.

he only had a little farther to go until he arrived at his house. he kept walking until a sudden whimper halted him. he turned around but didn't see anything. shrugging it off, he continued walking. then he heard it again, louder this time.

"hello? anyone there?" he called out.

he saw a bit of movement out of the corner of his eye. he turned towards the trees. he took a step towards them when he heard more noises. he walked over to where the noise was coming from.

there he saw a shivering boy holding his legs to his chest. a pair of brown ears were sticking up through his head of blonde curls. his long, fluffy, chocolate colored tail was wrapped around his shaking frame.

he was completely soaked. he had on a thin white t-shirt and a short pair of baby blue shorts. his feet were completely bare.

"are you alright?" yoongi asked tentatively crouching down.

the boy's head snapped up quickly. he had a pair of bright blue, cat-like eyes. they immediately widened and he jumped back.

his eyes were glassy looking and his face was streaked with tears. yoongi frowned at that. why is there a crying hybrid all alone out in the rain?

"hey, it's alright. i won't hurt you," yoongi cautiously reached his hand outwards.

the boy watched him warily before slowly leaning into his open palm. yoongi lightly rubbed along the top of his curls causing the cat boy to let out a small meow. yoongi smiled at him then pulled his hand away.

"what's your name? why are you out here all alone?" yoongi asked him in a low voice.

the panic quickly returned to the hybrid's eyes, "m-master di-didn't want-t hobi-bi," the cat boy's lip quivered and his eyes filled with more tears.

"hobi? that's your name?"

the cat boy quickly shook his head.

"well, i'm not going to leave you out here all alone. you're going to come home with me," yoongi smiled warmly at him.

yoongi stood up and reached out his hand. hobi stared at it skeptically.

"you w-want hobi? don't ha-hate hobi?" he asked.

"of course i don't hate you, why would i? now come on, we need to get you dried up."

hobi grabbed yoongi's outstretched hand and let the raven haired male pull him up. hobi immediately grabbed onto yoongi and buried his face into his hoodie. the top of the cat boy's head only came to yoongi's chin.

yoongi chuckled at the difference. the vibrations coming from yoongi's chest felt nice against hobi causing him to purr. he wrapped his arms around hobi's waist and lifted him up with ease.

yoongi could feel his ribs and bony hips though his clothing. just as he was thinking hobi was too skinny, the cat boy's stomach grumbled loudly.

sheepishly, hobi blushed and buried his face into the ravenette's neck. yoongi laughed at his shyness and began walking to his house.

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