♡the cuddle monster♡

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hoseok, clad only in his green dinosaur onesie, dove into the bed and landed on top of his stuffies. he grabbed junior and ting-ting (his parakeet stuffie) and cuddled them into his chest. he smiled when his daddy appeared in the open doorway.

"ready for bedtime, daddy," he grinned.

"why are you so eager tonight, baby buck?" he asked quirking a brow, stepping into the room.

"i want to cuddle with you, daddy," he admitted shyly.

yoongi sighed and turned away, "i'm afraid daddy can't cuddle with you tonight."

"w-what? wh-why?" he asked in a hurt tone.

"because," yoongi paused, "the tickle monster is here," he turned back to him dramatically with a wide smile on his face.

"no daddy! not the tickle monster!" the little wailed scooting back slightly on the bed.

his daddy rushed towards him and placed his knees on either side of his body. yoongi's fingers quickly danced across his sides and up under his arms.

"d-daddy! daddy, n-no plea-please!" hoseok choked out through fits of laughter.

"who's daddy? this is the tickle monster!" yoongi teased him and increased his pace causing the little's laughter to get louder.

"tickle mon-monster, no! gonna p-pee!" he squealed.

"alright, you win. the tickle monster surrenders," yoongi huffed throwing his arms in the air in feign surrender.

"yay," hoseok giggled smugly.

"just kidding," the caregiver's hands flew back to his sides then ghosted over his tummy.

"aaah! daddy!" hoseok laughed loudly trying to grab the elder's hands and push them away.

"alright, alright," yoongi chuckled giving up.

as the little was catching his breath, tears in his eyes, yoongi got up from the bed. he took off his shirt and began unbuckling his pants to get ready for bed. he then slipped on a pair of sweatpants.

unknown to the elder, hoseok had gotten up from their bed and was sneaking up behind him. the little jumped onto yoongi's bare back and wrapped his arms and legs around his waist.

"attack of the cuddle monster!" he screamed nuzzling into the back of his neck.

"whoa!" yoongi yelled caught off guard, almost falling forward.

"the cuddle monster caught daddy. daddy has to come cuddle. now," he stated trying to sound assertive.

"what was that, baby boy?" his daddy asked in what hoseok calls his "mr. daddy voice".

"please?" the little added tentatively peaking his head around to look at his daddy.

"that's better." yoongi smiled and patted his arms that were locked around his neck.

he grabbed hoseok from his back and slid him around so he was facing him, pressed up against his bare chest. hoseok leaned in and nuzzled his nose against his daddy's.

"pwease cuddle the cuddle monster," he requested sweetly.

"as the cuddle monster wishes," he kissed his nose and walked them to the bed.

he laid them down and pulled the plush blanket over their bodies. he grabbed junior and ting-ting then hoseok's paci. he popped it inbetween his pink lips and grabbed his chubby thighs. he held them and rubbed them softly.

the little smiled and nuzzled his face into the crook of his daddy's neck. he inhaled deeply and relaxed into his daddy's comforting touch. his pale hands sliding up and down his back eventually lulled the little cuddle monster into peaceful sleep.

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