♡hoseok as a little♡

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♡baby boy culture

♡the most adorable boy





♡can be shy around new people

♡excited about everything

♡tells daddy everything

♡"look daddy, holly pooped! he's a good boy!"

♡loves going outside

♡loves playdates

♡the pout™

♡normally listens very well

♡has rebellious moments

♡lives off of praises

♡loves to be cuddled more than he loves the lion king

♡always clinging on to daddy

♡kisses and hugs are a must

♡back-hugs are the best

♡wears daddy's clothes often

♡shoes are evil, but socks are soft

♡survives off of snacks, nuggets, and mac n cheese

♡the cuddle monster™

♡doesn't really like bedtime 'cause daddy stays asleep so long and won't get up and play

♡stuffies are friends and should be treated with respect

♡tries to prove he's a big boy but always goes right back to daddy

♡to quote yoongi: "my baby boy is the most adorable, precious, loving little flower, and i couldn't ask for anyone better."

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