~ Uncle Kili ~

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Thorin laid in his bed. He was lying there for far too long now. He wasn't even sick anymore but Dis made him stay in bed. He coughed heavily. No, he wasn't sick anymore. He tried to get up to get himself some water but his whole body ached. 'Maybe I'm just a little sick' he murmured to himself. He laid back in his bed and closed his eyes. He could feel his heartbeat in his ears, a clear drum that wouldn't stop. Maybe he was more than just a little sick. * Knock, knock * There was a little knock on the door. It wasn't a clear knock, more a silent, muffled knock.

'Who is there?' Thorin asked with a voice filled with pain. The door slowly opened. 'It's me uncle!' a little voice answered. 'Who is me?' Kili came in with a worried look on his face. 'How is uncle?' he said with a serious look on his face. It made Thorin chuckle. His nephew was terrible at hiding his emotions at his young age. 'I'm doing fine Kili. Thank you for asking.'

Kili came a little closer. 'Are you still sick uncle?' 'I'm not so sick anymore. I will be better tomorrow.' Kili's face lit up. 'So we can play again tomorrow?' Thorin gave a gentle smile. 'No Kili, we can't go play tomorrow. I will be better but I need some more rest.' He hated to admit it but he would need some more rest. Kili's face got serious again. 'So you are still sick uncle?' Thorin sighed. 'I guess I am Kili.'

Kili put one of his little fingers on his lips as he was thinking. Thorin chuckled again. How he loved his nephew. 'Can I get you something uncle?' 'A glass of water would be nice, thank you.' Kili smiled and ran out of the room, leaving the door open.Thorin wondered where he got all that energy from. Sometimes he felt like Kili was like a little bolt of lightning. You could never know when and where he would struck.

Kili came back with a half filled glass of water. The other half must lay on the floor by now Thorin thought. Kili only looked at the glass in his hands. As if in that way he could keep all the water in the glass. He was so focused on it that he almost bumped in to Thorin's bed. 'Look out lad. You will give me a bath if you don't look where you are going.' Thorin said while picking Kili up before he hit the bed. He took the glass from him and put Kili on the bed next to him.

Kili snuggled into his arm. 'I love you Thorin. I don't like it when you are sick.' Kili said, pouting again. Thorin finished his glass and put it on the night stand next to his bed. He wrapped his arms around Kili. 'I love you to little one. But I won't be sick forever. We can play again in a little while.' Kili looked at him and he got a frown across his face. Suddenly he smiled at Thorin.

'I have an idea that will make you healthy again Thorin!' Thorin looked at Kili and tried to read his face. What was he up to this time? Kili got up from under Thorin's arm and pulled the blanket higher. 'Now I am going to tell you a story my little dwarfling' Kili said in a low voice while he tried to sound like Thorin did when he had told him the same.

Thorin raised an eyebrow. 'I'm not a...' 'Shhh Thorin, you can't talk through my story or you will go to bed without one.' Kili said with a determined voice. So this was how it was going to be? His nephew treating him like he was the parent and he, Thorin, was the child? 'What kind of story are you going to tell me Kili?' Thorin asked curiously. Kili frowned at him. 'You have to call me uncle, Thorin, or you won't get better.' Thorin laughed. 'Well, Uncle Kili, which story will you tell me?'

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