~ An old friend ~

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'I can't wait until I'm home' Kili puffed while he struggled to get up the hill. He had been gone for several weeks because he was asked to keep a family safe during their travel to the Shire. Kili didn't know what kind of business they had over there but they had send him away rather quickly after they arrived at the place.

They hadn't even entered the Shire yet. Kili got his money and they made it clear they wanted him to leave. So leave he did. But not without sneaking a glance over his shoulder. The family hadn't entered the Shire, they went around it. He felt the urge to follow them and find out what they were up to. But then he remembered what uncle Thorin had told him before he left;


'Keep yourself safe at any time, I can't lose one of my heirs. Listen to their requests and don't question them. Just do what you're told. Don't forget to buy enough food for your trip. Wear the vest your mother made for you. Always stay on your guard. Keep an eye on your surroundings.' The rant went on for a while and some things were even repeated. When Kili had thought Thorin was done he bend to pick up his luggage. When he got up Thorin placed a hand on his right shoulder.

'Are you sure you don't want me to come along?' Sincere worry laying in his crystal, blue eyes. Kili smiled back. 'No uncle, I will be fine, I promise. And what could possibly happen?' Thorin's eyes went dark within a matter of seconds. His hand fell from Kili's shoulder and he studied his nephew's face. 'You are not ready to travel alone.'

'But uncle...' 'No Kili, you are not ready. You have to understand how dangerous it is out there. You have no knowledge of the world and it's dangers.' Kili straightened his back and looked challeging at his uncle. Thorin opened his mouth to speak but Dis walked in. 'Thorin, he is ready.' Her eyes were stained red but her eyes were determined.

'I know you are worried about his travel, but he's almost 68 now. We have to let him go one day. And besides, he is taking them to the Shire. What harm can a hobbit do?' Thorin turned away from his sister. 'It's not the end of their travel I'm worried about. It's about the time in between.' Dis sighed and walked up to her brother. She put one hand on his back. 'He will be safe. You have trained him well Thorin. And there haven't been any orcs on these lands for years.'

Thorin tensed at the mention of orcs. But he knew Dis was right. They had cleared these lands, none of those foul creatures was here anymore. Thorin sighed. 'Fine...' He walked out the room and went to his chambers. Dis looked at her youngest son and tried to smile. 'I know you will be fine, but... I want you to keep this with you.'

Dis walked over to Kili and handed him a stone. Kili turned it around in his hands when some symbols caught his eye. He read them and his eyes filled with tears. He put the stone in one of his hidden pockets and hugged Dis tightly. 'Ofcourse I will come home. I promise.' They looked at each other for a little while before they banged their heads together. 'Stay safe my little dwarfling.'


And he had almost kept his promise. He was almost home and he hadn't been hurt. He had reached the top of the hill and looked down at the small village in front of him. Yes. Almost home. He made his way down and was near the forest that would lead him to the village when he heard a noice.

Quickly Kili withdrew his bow and arrow and looked around. Why did he have to get in trouble when he was almost home? He spotted two orcs coming from the forest and realised they had seen him. They held their weapons in their hands and approached him rather quickly. Why hadn't he noticed them before?

The first orc swung his axe at Kili, but he avoided it by taking a step back. 'You really have to aim better if you want to kill me you know' Kili said smirking. He pointed his bow up and shot an arrow through the orc's head. Kili laughed. 'My uncle said I would be facing some dangers. Not some orc's who die that easily.'

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