~ The cute one ~

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Fili and Kili joined Thorin on his way to Balin. Thorin wanted to talk to him about something, Fili didn't know what. Thorin had gone into Balin' house saying that he and Kili should stay outside and wait for him to return. But under no circumstances were they allowed to wander off too far. Fili huffed. Thorin acted like he couldn't take care of himself.

He turned around and saw his younger brother. Kili was playing in the river that ran close to Balin' house. The little dwarfling was splashing through the water and didn't seem to care that their uncle had left them outside.

Fili sat himself on a big rock and crossed his arms. It was unfair. He was a big boy already. Why couldn't be inside? Joining the meeting? Thorin didn't even want to tell him what the meeting was about. 'I will never leave my nephews outside!' he thought angrily.

Kili had noticed his brother sitting on the rock and decided the smartest thing to do was to surprise him and throw cold water over him. That would cheer him up! Kili made a bowl of his hands and scooped some water into them. Cautiously he approached Fili from behind.

He could hear Fili mumbling to himself. It didn't sound to happy. Kili smirked. Fili would be laughing when Kili succeeded in his little joke. He stood right behind Fili and raised his arms up to Fili's head. 'AAAAAHHH!'

Fili jumped up as soon as the cold water touched his head. He turned around in shock to see were the water had come from. He saw his little brother standing behind the rock he had just sat on. Kili' eyes were big and he pouted his lip, trying to look cute in order for Fili not to strangle him on the spot. 'Why did you do that?' Fili asked.

But before Kili could answer the door to Balin's house swung open and Thorin stormed out. He held his sword in his hands, looking around in bewilderment. When he lay his eyes on an angry looking Fili and a Kili who was trying his hardest to look innocent, he lowered his sword. 'Can the two of you keep it down if there is no real danger? I've told you already that I have to talk about something important with Balin. I can't do that when you are screaming!' Thorin bellowed.

He stormed inside the house again, muttering something like 'they are going to kill me one day...' and shutting the door behind him. Kili looked at Fili and saw he wasn't looking so angry anymore. He must have been shocked by Thorin' outburst.

 This was his chance. He ran towards Fili and put his arms around him. 'I love you Fee! It was a coinkidink.' Kili said in his cutest voice he could master. Fili looked at him and rolled his eyes. He sighed and wrapped his own arms around Kili. 'I forgive you' he said in an annoyed voice.

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