~ A necklace for you ~

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~ A quick update, I'm so sorry I haven't written a story for this book in sooooooo long. But I hope I'm able to write more for the coming weeks. My school started again but I think it will be okay :) So, thanks for waiting this long! ~

It would be only mere days before Fili and Kili would leave for the Shire. They were supposed to meet somewhere in a hobbit's house. Gandalf told them they would recognize it because he would make a mark on the door. 

Dis wasn't happy about the idea at all, but she knew she couldn't change their minds. They would leave no matter what she said. So she did what every good mother would do in her situation; she scolded Thorin for taking them on this quest. Fili and Kili had both looked at each other and left the room before their mother would focus on them again.

Kili was packing some more clothes but Fili went to Fain's house. He probably wouldn't see her for a long time and he wanted her to know he wouldn't forget about her. His hand went into his pocket and he found what he was looking for. He twisted the little, brown package in his hand and wondered if he should give it to her. What would he do if she didn't accept it?

He shook his head and continued his way to her house. He had to give her his gift. Maybe she would wait for him... 


He knocked on her door and waited for Fain to answer it. It took a little while but finally she opened the door. Her face was red stained, like she had been crying for days. 'Fili!' she cried and flung herself around his neck. Fili quickly wrapped his arms around her. 'What's wrong my love? Why are you crying?'

Fain sobbed in his coat. 'Because you are leaving my love.' She pulled back from his hug. 'You have to promise me you will be safe!' she look at him with pleading eyes. He gently stroke her cheek with his thumb. 'I will do my best to return to you Fain.' She smiled and hold his hands. 'I don't know if I can live without you.' 

He smiled in return. 'You have to, the only thing that will keep me going is the thought of you waiting for me.' Fain blushed and looked down at her feet. 'Do you mean that?' Fili nodded. 'Aye, I mean that my love. I... I have a gift to prove it...' Fili mumbled. He presented the brown package to Fain, hoping she would accept his gift.

Fili had spent many days to make this gift for her. They would be betrothed if she would accept it. If she didn't... Fain opened the package and her eyes widened and filled with tears. 'Oh Fili...' She jumped forward and hugged him tightly. 'Of course I will marry you, you silly dwarf!' Fili's smile was huge and he pulled Fain closer to him.

'It's a beautiful necklace Fili! Did you make it yourself?' Fili nodded. 'I did my love, I know it's not good enough for your beauty, but...' Fain put her finger on his lips so he couldn't say another word. 'It's more then good enough Fili... I will wear it for everyone to see. So that everyone knows I belong to you, my love, my One.'

Fili helped Fain to put the necklace on. He had made the sign of Durin in blue and silver, it had taken him some days before he was happy about the results. Thorin had actually tried to offer him a hand, but Fili felt like he had to do this on his own. The necklace belonged to his betrothed. His One. His Fain.

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