~ Stories of the mountain ~

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~ Based on this imagine from imaginexhobbit: Imagine walking in on Thorin telling baby Fili and Kili stories of the Mountain, and him getting embarrassed when they invite you to sit on Uncle's lap and listen along. It is only based on this imagine, but because this is not my imagine book someone else will sit on Thorin's lap...

We've almost reached 3 k reads on this book! I can't believe how many many votes and reads we've got already! I'm sorry that the updates are slow, but I don't have that much inspiration left for little Fili and Kili. But there will continue to be updates every now and then. As a matter of fact, there will be two updates today! Thank you for staying by my side! :D ~

'Uncle! Can you tell us another story about Erebor?' Kili asked with puppy dog eyes. Thorin looked down at his youngest nephew and chuckled. How could he say no to that? Kili stretched his arms out for Thorin to pull him up. 'What story do you want to hear?' Thorin asked while bending to pick Kili up. With his youngest nephew in his arms, Thorin walked towards his armchair and sat down. Kili cuddled up against his chest and tried to pick a story. 'Can I hear the story too uncle?' Fili sat, running into the room and almost jumping onto his uncle's lap. Thorin caught him and eased him on his lap. 'Easy there little one, you might get hurt.'

But Fili ignored his uncle's comment. 'Can we hear about the time you and Dwalin fell into the river?' Fili said eagerly. Kili pouted and crossed his arms. 'Not fair! I was here first! I don't want to hear that story!' Kili yelled. 'You always get to chose Kili! I want to hear about the river!' Fili shouted back. 'Don't fight, or I won't tell you a story' Thorin threatened. Two pair of eyes shot up at him and both nephews pouted. 'We will be good uncle' Fili said quickly. Kili nodded in agreement. 'But I would still like to hear the story of your first sword fight uncle. Not that other one' Kili added. Fili glared at his younger brother.

'What about I tell you both stories?' Thorin interjected before they would start arguing again. The two brothers smiled and Thorin pulled them both a little closer to his chest. 'Let's start with the river accident' Thorin started, earning a little huff from Kili. 'Dwalin and I were on a hunt for treasure in the woods close to Erebor. We've heard a rumour of gems that were supposed to be buried close to three cherry trees, standing next to a river. We searched for the three trees but were unable to find it. We had walked over four hours when we suddenly heard a noise.' Kili's eyes were wide as he buried himself in Thorin's arm. 

'It was a low, howling sound but not one of an orc. We grabbed our weapons and were ready to attack the beast who had made the sound, when suddenly a wild boar jumped out of the bushes.' Fili's mouth hang open in anticipation as he listened to his uncle. 'It was bigger then us and we hadn't had much sword fighting, but still we tried our best to fight the beast off. However, soon we realized that we couldn't defeat the beast, it was to strong for us. We had a plan to lure the beast into the nearby river so the strong current would drag it along. Dwalin was supposed to stand in front of the wild boar and I would protect him with my bow and arrow, in case he wouldn't be able to outrun the beast.

The wild boar ran after Dwalin and I ran after the two of them. Dwalin ran faster then the wild boar, but on his way to the river he took a wrong turn. I yelled at him to let him know but it was too late. He ran through the woods but he didn't know the path would stop along with the bushes. So when he burst through the bushes he expected to land on ground, but instead the felt into the river himself. The wild boar felt in after him, even angrier with Dwalin then before. I knew the path would end and I came in time to help Dwalin up the shore. I stuck out my arm and pulled him up. The wild boar got on shore on the other side of the river and didn't pay any attention to us.'

Fili and Kili both looked in awe at their uncle. 'So you were smarter then the wild boar uncle?' Fili asked, proud of his uncle for doing so. Thorin wanted to respond when he heard a low chuckle. He looked up and saw Dwalin standing in the doorway. 'You outsmarted the wild boar? Taking the wrong turn sounds more like something that would happen to you' his old friend chuckled and came closer. Thorin smiled and nodded his head. 'I may have changed some small details...' he admitted. Fili and Kili were both laughing hysterically at the thought of their uncle falling into the river with a wild boar. 'Thank you for that' Thorin muttered, glaring at Dwalin.

'Your welcome my King' Dwalin said mockingly. 'Was there something you needed?' Thorin asked. Dwalin nodded. 'Aye, there are servants from the Blue Mountains who would like to speak with you.' Thorin sighed and tried to stand up when he noticed two little dwarflings looking very angry at him. 'You promised us two stories!' Kili said, glaring at his uncle. Thorin had to admit it looked very impressive, his youngest nephew definitely inherited this look from his sister. 'Aye! You can't break a promise uncle!' Fili protested. 'We still have time for one more story, I would like to hear it too' Dwalin said before Thorin could tell his nephews no. 

Thorin raised an eyebrow and shook his head. 'Alright then, which story did you want to hear again Kili?' His youngest nephew raised his eyebrows at him and cocked his head to one side. 'Don't you forget something uncle?' Thorin and Dwalin exchanged looks, not knowing what the little dwarf meant. 'Aye Kili, you're right, uncle forgets something' Fili agreed. 'What are you talking about?' Thorin asked confused. Fili jumped up from his lap and walked towards Dwalin. The older dwarf smiled at the dwarfling who was now standing in front of him. 'Will you listen to uncle's story?' Fili asked. Dwalin nodded and immediately he was dragged towards Thorin. 

'What are you doing lad?' Thorin asked surprised. Dwalin protested when Fili tried to push him on Thorin's lap when he felt another little pair of hands pulling on his shirt. 'Everyone who listens to uncle's stories must sit on his laps. That's the rule!' Kili said. Dwalin and Thorin looked at each other in shock, both not sure what to do. Fili and Kili used this moment and got the bald dwarf on their uncle's lap. Fili pulled himself up to sit on his uncle's lap again and Kili climbed on top of Dwalin's lap. Both dwarflings looked at their uncle in anticipation and Dwalin sighed. 'The sooner you begin the sooner I'll be off your lap' he muttered. Thorin glared at his old friend, not sure whether he would push him off or begin the story.

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