~ You're a dummy ~

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Thorin went to the city of men to buy meat for Dis. It had been a while since they had had a good piece of  meat but today they finally had enough money. Dis was very excited about it and had send Thorin on his way almost immediately.

But he couldn't go straight away. Dis had already left to meet up with a friend. His nephews were old enough to look after themselves but Thorin figured it wouldn't hurt to check on Kili. He had a way of getting himself in trouble.

Thorin couldn't find him anywhere until he reached the kitchen. Dis kept a cookie jar on top of one of the cabinets. Kili nor Fili could reach it yet while standing, but they could reach it if they stood on a chair. And that's exactly what Thorin caught Kili doing. They weren't allowed to eat more than one cookie a day, and they had both eaten one earlier.

Thorin had cleared his throat and it startled the little dwarfling. Kili had slowly put back the cookie jar and turned around with an innocent look plastered on his face. He pouted while looking at Thorin. How could anyone be so adorable and frustrating at the same time? 'You know you are not aloud to have more than one cookie a day Kili.' Kili crossed his arms.

Thorin's eyes narrowed. He wasn't going to give up easily. The little dwarfling in front of him reminded him of himself when he was younger. 'It's not fair! My cookie broke and mommy wouldn't let me finish it!' Thorin sighed. 'Kili we're not going to argue about this. You can't have another cookie. Discussion's over.'

Kili jumped of the chair and stamped his foot on the ground. He looked Thorin straight in the eye. 'You are a dummy!' He kicked the chair, causing is to fall, and he ran out of the kitchen. Thorin sighed and picked up the chair. Why did he choose to stay with Dis and his nephews? He could have a quite life living on his own.


Thorin picked up a good piece of meat, Dis would be very grateful. Thorin thought about Kili as he returned home. What did he have to do with the little dwarfling? Should he have a talk with him or should he let Dis handle it? It was her child after all. But he already knew she would make him handle it himself.

He got home and made his way towards the kitchen. Dis was already waiting for him. 'Ah! There you are!' she welcomed him back. 'You can put the meat right there on the table.' Thorin did as he was told. He walked over to his sister and gave her a kiss on her head. 'I hope this meat will be good enough for you.' She gave him a little push. 'Of course it is. Thank you.'

Thorin turned around, wanting to leave the room, but Dis stopped him. 'I almost forgot. There is a letter for you.' Thorin frowned and looked at her with surprise. 'A letter for me?' Dis smiled with that familiar smile that only a mother can pull off.

Dis walked into the living room and got back a few seconds later. She had a little piece of parchment in her hand. She handed it over to Thorin with a smile on her face. Thorin raised an eyebrow at her before reading the so called letter.

In an almost unreadable handwriting it said: 'I am sorry for calling you a dummy uncle. Can you forgive me? I would still like my cookie if I can have it... I will be waiting in my room. Your nephew, Kili'

Thorin tried to hide the smile that formed on his face. But he did a poor job.

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