~ Please don't say you love me - Part 2 ~

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Kili walked home, strays of hair covering his face and hiding his tears. He wasn't sure where Onora had gone to, but right now he didn't really care. He just wanted to go home and not talk to anyone for a while. Thankfully his brother wouldn't be home, he would notice that something was wrong within a few minutes. There was just one thing to worry about... his uncle.

Thorin had a day off today and was spending his time at home. Before Kili opened the door he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. He didn't really want to talk to Thorin but he had to if he noticed something was wrong. Kili finally gained control over the tears pricking in his eyes and he opened the door. He was halfway down the hallway, close to his bedroom, when Thorin called for him. 'Kili? Is that you?' Kili closed his eyes. 'Yes uncle, I'm home' he said with a slightly unsteady voice.

He could punch himself right now. Kili tried to continue his way towards his bedroom but he heard the heavy footsteps of his uncle coming his way. Just when he placed his hand on the doorknob he felt the presence of his uncle standing behind him. 'Kili?' Thorin asked worried. Kili's shoulders sank, he couldn't bring himself to look at his uncle. Not after Onora telling him she preferred his uncle over him. 'Are you alright lad?' Thorin asked and gently placed a hand on his nephew's shoulder.

Kili shrugged it off and opened his bedroom door. 'Of course I am uncle, you know me.' And then he shut the door behind him. But not without turning around, showing Thorin the tear stains on his face. Thorin wanted to burst in and demand to know who hurt his nephew. But he knew Kili wouldn't tell him without a fight, and he didn't want to hurt his nephew any further. He would just have to wait until Fili came back. The blond always knew how to get Kili to open up to him.

Thorin sighed heavily and returned to the kitchen. He sat down at the dinner table and looked at the pieces of parchment in front of him. There were so many dwarfs who asked for his assistance and who wanted his opinion on different matters, but the only one Thorin really cared about right now was his youngest nephew. A soft knock on the front door captured his attention and he got up to open it. 

'Onora?' he asked when he saw the dwarf in front of him. Onora was blushing and she didn't look him straight in the eye. She must be here for Kili, Thorin thought and gestured for her to come in. Kili and Onora spend a lot of time together, and Thorin knew that his nephew had a crush on her. Maybe she could get him to talk to her? She walked in but avoided Thorin's gaze. 'Kili is in his bedroom. I'm afraid he isn't feeling well' Thorin said, expecting Onora to go to him immediately. But instead she seemed hurt by his statement, like he had just stabbed her with a knife.

'I'm not here for Kili' she said softly. Thorin raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms. 'Then why are you here?' he asked surprised. She still avoided his eyes and Thorin coughed. Finally she looked up at him. Had she been crying as well? 'I... I think I came here... to tell you something' she said with an unsteady voice. Thorin nodded at her and sat down in his chair. 'You think you have something to tell me?' he said in an uneven voice. She'd better not tell me that she is the reason of my nephew's hurt.

Onora gathered all her courage and shouted: 'I'm in love with you Thorin!' After that there was silence. Nothing but awkward silence. Onora still stood there, in the middle of the room, finally locking her eyes with Thorin's. He sat there in his chair, his eyes a little wider and his mouth slightly open. Many thoughts crossed his mind but one kept coming back. So that's what happened, Thorin thought. Now he understood why his nephew had been so upset. He cleared his throat and got up from his chair. He placed his hands behind his back and looked at Onora.

He was angry, very angry, but he knew he had no right to be angry with her. You couldn't decide who you would fall in love with, so it hadn't been her decision to fall in love with him instead of his nephew. But she had hurt his nephew. He tried to calm himself down before answering her. 'It's very brave of you to tell me your feelings' he started. Hope shone on Onora's face. 'But I'm afraid I don't feel the same way. I think it would be best if you left.' All hope disappeared from her face after the first sentence.

She nodded and broke their eye contact. 'I'll go home then' she said softly and retreated towards the door. He heard the door closing behind her and then another opening quietly. After a while Kili appeared in the living room, his face still stained with red spots. 'You don't love her?' he asked. Thorin shook his head. He walked towards his nephew and wrapped his arms tightly around him. 'Will I ever love again uncle?' he asked crying.

Thorin patted the back of his head. 'I do believe so Kili. I don't think Onora was your One, so you may fall in love again, someday' he said, not entirely sure if he was right. Kili wiped the tears from his face and managed to create a small smile on his lips. 'Thank you uncle.' Thorin smiled in return and pressed their foreheads against each other. They both pulled back after a while. 'So, you think I can fall in love with anyone again uncle?' Kili said hopefully. Thorin nodded. 'Just make sure you won't fall in love with an elf' he said jokingly.

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