~ 'Medicine' ~

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~ I promise the next story will be a teen Fili and Kili again. But just like the other one, I just had to write this story while they were still young! I hope you'll enjoy :)

Check out some of my other stories from The Hobbit: http://www.wattpad.com/story/19216130-the-hobbit-imagines ~

Dis coughed. She lay in bed with the flue for over a week now. And to be honest, she was quite sick of being sick. But Thorin wouldn't let her out of bed saying 'the boys needed their mother to be strong, not coughing and feeling ill'. She knew he was right. And she hated it.

* Cough, cough * She sighed and threw her head back on the pillows. It would be another long week before Thorin would let her out of this bloody bed. At least, if Thorin would be well enough himself to stop her from leaving her bed early. He had taken care of her and now he had the flue as well. She smirked. That was his punishment for not letting her get out of bed.

A soft knock on her door had Dis looking up. 'Who is there?' Maybe it was Balin or Dwalin. The both of them had been taken care of Fili and Kili while she and Thorin were ill. 'It's me mom. I have brought you some medicine!' Fili's little voice boomed through the closed door. Dis frowned. Fili was too young to buy medicine himself, so how did he get it? Or a better question, from who did he get it?

'Come in darling!' Dis heard a noice like something was put down on the ground before the door opened. She saw Fili picking something up from the floor before making his way into the bedroom. He placed a bowl on her nightstand before closing the door. He pulled himself up on the blankets of the bed and scurried himself near his mother' head.

A tiny hand gently laid itself on her head. Fili frowned and seemed to think for a moment. 'You are still sick mom. But I have just the thing to cure you!' Fili looked excitedly and turned his attention to the bowl on the nightstand. Dis felt concerned. What kind of medicine had Fili got her?

Fili picked the bowl up from the nightstand and presented it to Dis. Dis tried to smile and looked at the bowl in front of her face. 'Fili, honey, what kind of medicine is this?' 'Well, it's not really a medicine mother. I've prepared you some food to make you feel better. You always make us soup when we aren't feeling well. So Kili and I decided that we should make you some.'

Dis looked at the 'soup' in front of her and then at Fili, and back again. She took the bowl from Fili's hands smiled at him. 'Thank you honey.' She expected him to leave but he took a seat on her lap and looked at her expectingly. He wasn't going anywhere before she tasted it.

Dis looked at the so called soup again and sighed deep. She hesitated but grabbed the spoon either way and brought some of the 'soup' to her mouth. She looked at Fili again, his eyes shining eagerly, and she swollowed the 'soup'. Dis tried to keep a normal face but it was very hard. She didn't know what the dwarfling put in but it wasn't meant to be in one dish together. 

'And? Do you like your soup?' Fili asked. 'It's great,' Dis nodded, 'but what exactly did you put in the soup?' Fili smiled proudly. 'Oh, just some water, milk, cookies, nuts, vinegar, salt, bread, candy and some healthy leaves from your garden!' Dis put the bowl on her nightstand and promised herself she wouldn't touch it anymore. She felt like she had to vomit but she didn't want to hurt Fili's feelings. And besides, she wasn't sure if she needed to vomit because of the soup or because of her flue. 

'Aren't you going to finish it mom?' Fili said looking down at the blankets and a sadness in his eyes. Dis swung her arms around him and pulled him in to a tight hug. 'Thank you for being my big boy and bringing me some soup. But I'm not hungry right now. I will finish it later.' Yes, Dis thought, I will finish it by throwing it out my window. 

'Maybe Thorin would like some of your soup as well?' Fili looked up at her. 'Kili is with Thorin right now. I think he is eating the soup as we speak.' Dis smiled heartily. Fortunately she wasn't the only one who had to eat this 'soup'. Maybe Thorin would change his mind and let her out of bed to cook for them instead.

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