~ Diving ~

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I'm sorry there hasn't been an update for so long. But I couldn't think off any new adventures for a while, but here is another one! It isn't that long nor that good, but I will try harder next time!


Fili and Kili were walking outside. They weren't allowed to come back home for two more hours. Dis had banned them because they had a food fight during lunch, and now she had to clean up the mess. Kili kicked at a pebble near his feet. 'It not fair Fee' he pouted.

'What isn't fair Kili?' the older one looked down. 'You started it, and now mommy doesn't want to see me anymore.' Kili was almost crying. Fili wrapped his arm around his younger brother. 'Of course she wants to see you again. Mom is just mad at us right now, but that will end soon.'

Kili looked up at his big brother. 'Are you sure Fee?' Fili nodded. Kili looked around. 'But, what are we gonna do now?' Fili thought for a moment. Their mother wouldn't go looking for them for at least a few hours. There was a lot that they could do.

Suddenly an idea popped into his head. 'I know what we are going to do little brother!' He ran off without telling Kili where he was going. 'Fee! Wait for me!' The little dwarfling ran after him, struggling to keep up with his faster brother.

Kili stopped and looked around. He couldn't see Fili anymore. 'Fee! Fee where are you!' the tears were swelling in his eyes. 'I'm here! Just behind the old oak tree!' a shout came from nearby. Kili ran towards the old oak tree and found his brothers' clothes. He looked around and saw his brother.

'Fee, why don't you have clothes on?' Fili climbed the old oak tree. He had reached the top and looked down at Kili. 'We can do whatever we want! Mom won't go looking for us! Come on, we can swim!' Fili balanced himself on the branch that hang over the river below. Kili looked at his brother with a worried look. 'But mommy said that we can't swim!'

Fili stuck his tongue out, he was concentrating on keeping his balance. 'Fee! Be careful!' The dwarfling below was very worried. 'I do not want to swim Fee! I wanna play somewhere else' Kili pouted. 'Not now Kili. I want to dive in first, then we'll go.' Kili crossed his arms, he was still very worried about his big brother.

And it turned out that Kili was right to be worried. Fili had almost reached the end of the branch but he places his foot wrong and fell off. He didn't feel water surrounding him but he did feel his back slamming against the hard ground. 'FEEEEEEE!!!' Was the last thing he heard before he lost conscious.


Fili felt warm, like his whole body was on fire. 'To... warm...' he mumbled. 'FILI! Fili please look at me!' he heard his uncle's voice. But why did he sound worried? Fili tried to open his eyes and looked straight into his uncle's blue eyes. Thorin sighed with relief. 'Don't you ever do that again!'

Fili began to recognize his surroundings. There was an old oak tree nearby, his uncle holding him in his arms and... Kili was standing next to him. 'Is Fee going to be alright uncle?' Thorin smiled softly. 'He is alright for now. But your mother will probably kill him if we get back.'

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