~ Please don't say you love me ~

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~ Thank you all for staying by my side, and most off all thank you for all the reads, votes and comments on this book! It really helps me to continue writing! And for this story... It's based on a song that I love and an imagine from imaginexhobbit: Imagine confiding in Kili about your feelings for Thorin, only to find out that Kili is in love with you. Instead of you it will be some random female dwarf, but you get my idea, right?

And the song this is based on is: Gabrielle Aplin - Please don't say you love me ~

Kili was practicing with his bow and arrow in the orchard near his house when he saw her approaching him. It was the beautiful dwarf woman he met a few months ago. Fili, Fain and him had gone to an inn to celebrate the end of the week, and that's where he met her. She had beautiful long, red hair and green sparkling eyes. Kili couldn't keep his eyes off her that night, but she didn't give him much attention. After that night Kili had gone back to the inn many times to get a chance to talk to her.

And he succeeded after only three weeks. They had hit it off but Kili never told her how he felt about her. For all she knew they were good friends, very good friends. They would often spend their days together, just talking to each other and Kili trying to teach her how to shoot an arrow with his bow. He made sure he grabbed every chance to hold her hands in his. But never did she blush when he did so, nor did she tell him to stop. So he took this as a good sign.

He waved at her and got ready to shoot an apple in a tree far away. He couldn't help to show himself off a bit when she was around. Kili could hear her laugh and he felt his arms getting weak, but he wouldn't show her. An heir to the throne of Durin would never show weakness. 'How long have you been here?' she said just as Kili released an arrow. He followed it going straight to the apple. 'Good shot' she complimented. Kili smiled.

'I've been here a couple hours now' he said and put his bow away. 'What are you doing here Onora? I thought you had to work at the inn today?' he asked. Onora shook her head and sat down on a stone next to an apple tree. 'I don't have to work until late in the afternoon.' Kili drew his arrow once more and aimed at another apple. Onora watched him while biting her lip. Kili turned his face towards her to see if she had seen his great shot, when he noticed that she seemed nervous.

'Are you alright?' he asked worried. They locked eyes before Onora quickly looked at the ground beneath her feet. 'Well.... there's something I've been meaning to ask you...' she started, her eyes still focused on the grass below. Kili dropped his bow on the ground and sat down in front of Onora. He gently placed a hand on her knee. 'You can tell me anything, remember? I'm here for you' he said softly. Onora smiled and finally raised her head to look him straight in the eyes.

'I... it's just... no.... never mind, it's silly' she muttered and her cheeks burned bright red. Kili couldn't help himself and gently stroked her cheek. 'Like I said before, you can tell me anything. I promise I won't laugh, I won't get mad... nothing that you tell me is silly' he finished with a sigh. She rubbed her hands against each other and looked deep into his eyes. 'I think I'm in love with someone' she whispered. Kili felt his heart throbbing, and it almost jumped straight out of his chest.

He couldn't believe his ears, did she just really say that she was in love with someone? 'And who might that be?' he said while moving a little closer to her face. She laughed and shook her head. 'It doesn't matter, the age difference is to big... besides, he will never feel the same' her eyes starting to water. Kili cupped her head in his hands and forced her to look at him. 'Well, as a matter of fact, I am in love as well. What about we both say it at the same time?' he proposed.

Onora nodded and they both readied themselves. 'Are you ready? 3,2,1.... I'm in love with you.' 'I'm in love with your uncle.' Kili's eyes grew wide and he felt his body freeze, while Onora's mouth dropped and she froze as well. Kili quickly lowered his hands and got up to his feet. 'You are in love... with me?' she asked, dumbfounded. He turned around to shield his face from her. Onora got up and walked towards him, not sure what to say or what to do.

She carefully put a hand on his arm and sighed deeply. 'Kili... you're a nice, brave, handsome and great dwarf... but I don't return your feelings. I'm sorry about this... I should have never told you...' but Kili interrupted her, still not facing her. 'You don't have to apologize for anything, it's not your fault. I shouldn't have said it, I shouldn't have expected you to return my feelings. It's me who should be sorry...' Kili said, his voice shaking.

'I... I think it's best if I go now...' Onora whispered, and she left. Kili remained in the orchard, alone. He felt the cold breeze of the wind going through his hair, and a tear escaped the corner of his eye. He closed his eyes and more tears rolled down. Why did she love his uncle instead of him? They were so alike, and still she had given her heart to him... He knew that Thorin didn't return her feelings, but it stung all the same. Kili believed that she was his One. And dwarfs can only love once.

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