~ Fain and Fili ~

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~ I don't know if everyone will remember but Fain was mentioned in one of the earlier chapters of this book: Too young. I got a comment from BilboRoth, that it would be cool to have a chapter with Fili and Kili being teenagers. I totally agree, so here is a story about a teenage Fili and Kili!

The weird thing is that I tried to find out how old Fili and Kili were in human years when they left on the quest to reclaim Erebor. Fili was 82 and Kili was 77, in human years (the website said): Fili would be 19 and Kili would be 18. So I kind of stuck with that with this story, but I wanted them to be a little younger than that. So in this story Fili is 18 in human years (78 in dwarven years?) so that makes Kili also 16/17.... (he would be 73 in dwarven years)... Now I'm confused, so just imagine the human years and it will make a lot more sense. ~

Fain and Fili were inside of Fili's room. 'Did you see the look on his face when I threw that drink at him?' Fain laughed. Fili laughed and pecked Fain on her lips. They stared at each other with twinkles in their eyes. 'If that dwarf ever touches you again...' Fili started but Fain kissed him sweetly. 'Don't think about that. Who is it that's holding me right now?'

Fili smirked. 'I know. I just want everyone to know that you belong to me.' Fain put a hand on his chest. 'And you are mine.' Fili reached forward so that their heads touched. 'What am I going to do without you my love?' Fain smiled and kissed him. 

The door swung open in the middle of their kiss. Fili and Fain quickly drew apart and watched as Kili stormed in, clearly not paying attention to the ones inside the bedroom. 'Fili you have to listen to me! I have the best idea ever! We are going to play a trick on Thorin and he will never see it coming! It's hilarious. If you'll get th...' Kili turned around and saw Fili and Fain sitting on the bed, awkwardly staring at the bed beneath them.

'Oh, I'm sorry. Hello Fain! Did I interrupt?' Kili said knowing he ran into something he wasn't supposed to have run into. Fain blushed, 'No ofcourse not Kili. Good seeing you.' She got up from the bed and looked at Fili. 'I'll see you soon.' Fain turned around and left the room rather quickly. 'Wait, Fain!' Fili tried to follow after her but was stopped by Kili. He put his hand on his big brothers left arm.

'She will still be there next time. Now listen to my plan!' Fili jerked his arm away. 'Did you really have to bump in like that?' Kili stared at Fili. 'Of course brother. You just don't understand the importance yet. But I will explain it to you!' Kili walked to the bed and sat down. Patting  with his hand on the right side of him, saying 'Come and take a seat Fili. You'll love this!' Fili sighed and rolled his eyes. He would have time to make it up to Fain.

He took a seat next to his younger brother and looked at him curiously. 'Well, what's your big plan brother?' Kili's eyes sparkled, his smile so big that Fili was worried he would never be able to get it of his face again. 'Okay, listen to me. You remember that big well near the orchard right?' Fili wanted to reply but didn't get a chance. 'So, if you'll get uncle their with some lie that I fell in or something, I don't know just make something up. And if you are there you step away a..'

*Hmnph* Kili felt silent and Fili could feel the burning stare of his uncle. 'We forgot to close the door after Fain left didn't we?' Kili whispered. Fili closed his eyes and nodded. He didn't want to look at his uncle who was probably standing in the doorway. And he could safely assume that the look on his face wasn't all that happy. 

Kili dared to look in the way of the door and found, indeed, Thorin standing there. His arms were crossed over his chest and he looked like they were in big trouble. Kili mastered a innocent smile. 'Can we help you dear uncle?' Thorin glared at him and the smile was swept away from Kili's face in an instant. 

'Why did Fain just ran out of this house like she was chased by a pack of orcs?' he bellowed. The brothers looked at each other before answering Thorin. That was a mistake. 'WELL?' They cringed when Thorin's voice rang through their ears. 'Well I just got in, Fili and Fain were already here' Kili answered. Fili hit his brother in the chest and gave him a look. Kili just looked at him like: 'I don't want the wrath of Thorin, you'll handle it!' 

'Get out Kili! I want to have a talk with Fili.' Kili jumped up and ran out of the room, happy that he didn't have to face Thorin. Thorin walked in and closed the door behind him. Fili sat on the bed, waiting for the yelling to begin. But it didn't came. Thorin walked over to the window and stared outside. Fili took a glance and noticed that Thorin didn't seem as mad as he thought he would be.

Thorin turned his gaze to him and Fili quickly lowered his head. He had never noticed how beautiful his sheets actually were, until now. 'What happened?' Thorin said. He didn't sound angry but more... amused?  Fili turned red. 'Fain and I were talking and Kili stormed in... Fain walked of after saying goodbye and I wanted to go after her but...' Thorin frowned. 'But what?'

Fili thought for a second. Why hadn't he gone after her? 'I wanted to go after her but Kili told me I would see her again and so said she... So I thought it would be alright...' Thorin smirked. 'My dear nephew, you know nothing about dwarf women, now do you?' Fili looked up at Thorin. 'What do you mean?'

Thorin gave him a symphatig smile. 'My dear nephew, one day you will be the next king. And it would be a good thing to have a queen by your side. So, I will advise you to go after Fain and apologize for Kili storming in like he did.' Fili looked confused. 'But she said she didn't mind.' Thorin shook his head and laughed.

'One day you will learn that there is one thing that we will never be able to wrap our heads around, one thing that we will never understand.' Fili looked at Thorin. 'And what might that one thing be?' 'Women.' Fili's lips formed an 'o' before looking at Thorin once again with a confused look. 

Thorin smiled fatherly. 'Women say one thing while they mean something completely different. I think Fain would like it if you went after her and finished what you starte. If you understand what I mean?' Fili turned red again and lowered his head. Thorin patted him on the back. 'It's nothing to be ashamed of. Just, make sure you both want it.' Fili raised his hand. 'Okay. Enough information. I think I got it. We've already had this talk once and it still burns on my memory.'

Thorin thought back to that moment when Dis made him have 'the' conversation with Fili when he was around 62 years old. He got a grim look on his face. That conversation certainly didn't go that well. He glanced over at his oldest nephew. 'Be a good lad and bring her some flowers.'

Fili nodded, got up and made his way to the door. He turned around in the doorway. He looked awkward, at a loss of words. 'Thank you Thorin' he mastered. Thorin smiled back. 'Your welcome nephew.' Fili went out to find Fain. Thorin sighed deep and let himself fall on the bed. 'This went better then the last talk I've had with him.' He rubbed his hand over his face. 'And now I have to have a talk with my other nephew about some prank he has come up with.' When would he finally get some peace? 

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