~ Too young ~

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In this one-shot Kili is about 17 years old and Fili is 22.

Thorin was playing with Kili inside the house while Dis was cleaning the kitchen. Fili was outside. He had wanted to play alone today. Thorin wondered where he had gone since he hadn't seen his oldest nephew for a while now. Kili jumped on top of his uncle, making Thorin fall on his back. He laughed. 'You're going to kill me one day Kili.'

It made Kili giggle. 'No one can kill uncle as long as I am around!' Kili yelled while jumping up. Thorin looked at Kili, that boy would bring much more trouble in the future than he had already done. He swung his arm around Kili and started to tickle him. 'No, no, no... uncle! Don't... tickle... me...!' Kili screamed between the little cries of laughter that escaped his mouth. Dis stood in the door-way and looked at her brother and son playing together. Suddenly Dis saw something through the window, her gaze locked at what was happening outside. A little smile formed on her face.

Thorin noticed his sister staring out the window. 'Kili, can you get your toy from your room?' Thorin asked. 'Are we going to practice again uncle?' Kili asked while excitedly jumping up and down. Thorin couldn't answer because the dwarfling ran to his room without waiting for the answer to his question. 'That boy has way to much energy' Thorin said. He shook his head and walked over to Dis.

'What's going on sister?' Dis gave him a smile and looked outside again. Thorin came closer and stood next to Dis. He looked out of the window but at first he didn't see what his sister was looking at. 'Whe...' Thorin started before Dis pointed her finger towards the river nearby their house. He looked at the direction she had pointed too and he saw Fili.

It seemed like he was talking to someone. Then a female dwarfling came into sight. Thorin's mouth dropped a little. 'What are they doing there?' Thorin asked. Dis put her finger against her lips. 'They can't hear us Dis' Thorin sighed while he got an elbow in his ribs from Dis. 'Shhh!'

Thorin saw them while they crossed the river. Fili holding the arm of the female dwarfling the whole time. At the end he hold one of her hands to get her up the shore. She smiled at him and put her arm around his arm. Fili smiled back and his cheeks turned red. They walked past their house towards one of the other houses on the same road.

Fili dropped her off and the girl gave him a kiss on his cheek and Fili's face lit up again. He put his hand on his burning cheek and watched the girl disappear in her house. He turned around and ran towards his own house. Dis laughed and looked at Thorin whose face still seemed to be in shock. 'O, light up! It's adorable!' Dis laughed. Thorin looked over at his sister. 'He's just 22! He shouldn't be interested in girls yet! He's too young!' Dis laughed even harder. 'Get used to it older brother.' Dis was still laughing while she made her way back into the kitchen.

Kili ran into the room with his bow toy. 'Uncle I finally got it! It was hidden beneath my bed, but I got it!' Kili said proudly. He looked at his uncle and looked confused. 'Is something wrong uncle?' He ran towards Thorin and hugged his leg. He looked down and picked up his youngest nephew. 'Everything is okay little dwarfling. You're not interested in girls, right?' Thorin asked. Kili made a face. 'Ieuw, girls are weird uncle.' Thorin chuckled. 'Good to know. Let's keep it that way for a few more years' he thought.

The door opened and closed as Fili walked into the house. He came into the room and stood still when he saw Thorin standing in the middle of the room. His cheeks hadn't returned to their normal shade yet. 'Hello uncle' Fili said cautiously. 'Hello Fili. Did you have a good time outside?' Thorin asked with a little grin. Fili's cheeks reddened again.

He looked down at the ground. 'I've had a good time uncle.' He looked at Thorin. 'I've played with our neighbor today... She is actually pretty nice.' Thorin smiled. 'You mean the little female dwarfling that lives at the house over there?' He said while pointing at the house across the road. Fili nodded. 'What's her name if I may ask?'

Fili's cheeks reddened even more. 'Her name is Fain.' 'That's also good to know' Thorin thought. 'I brought her home like a good prince would do uncle.' Thorin put Kili back on the ground and walked over to Fili. Fili looked up at Thorin, not sure what to expect. Thorin kneeled down and hugged Fili. 'That's exactly what a good prince would have done. I'm very proud of you Fili.' 

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