~ A nice trap ~

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Fili and Kili were playing in the woods nearby their home. They were now old enough to go there without someone to watch them. And Kili loved it. Fili was 58 and Kili had just turned 53. And finally there was no one telling him that he shouldn't climb in a tree and nobody to tell him that he shouldn't jump in the lake. This was freedom.

Fili walked in front of him and lead the way towards home. They had played, or practised as Fili called it, the whole afternoon and now they both wanted to go home and rest. 'You are getting better Kili. Maybe one day you will handle your sword as well as me' Fili smirked. Kili rolled his eyes. 'Of course brother. If I wanted to I could become better at it then you.' Fili raised his eyebrow at him. 'But since I don't you have nothing to worry. I want to learn to control my bow and arrows.'

Fili shrugged. 'You will never beat me little brother.' Kili took a few big steps and was now walking next to Fili. Kili laughed. 'I don't think so brother. I almost had you today.' Fili laughed along. 'Almost brother, almost.' *Shhhrrggg* A noise came from behind the two brothers. They both turned around. Fili quickly withdrew his two swords and Kili held his bow in his hand. An arrow ready to be shot.


Thorin was talking with Balin outside Balin' house when Dwalin came running to them. A look of determination and worry in his eyes. Thorin walked his way. 'What's wrong?' Dwaling pointed to the woods nearby Thorin's house.  'Someone saw an orc wandering around in the woods nearby your house.' Thorin's face turned grim. 'Gather the dwarves who are ready to fight. I will meet you in front of the woods within five minutes.'

Dwalin nodded and Thorin walked past him, he wanted to get his weapon as soon as he could. 'Laddie?' Balin asked from behind him. Thorin turned and looked at the white haired dwarf. 'Were did Kili and Fili say they would be playing this afternoon?' Thorin's face fell in shock. He ran home as quickly as he could.


There was no one to be seen but surely they had heard a noice. Both brothers quickly hid behind a tree and scanned their surroundings. Trying to find any sign of the couse for the noice. Kili couldn't find anything and looked at his brother. Fili nodded his head to the right and Kili followed his gaze. 

There was a very ugly thing in the clearing behind the trees. Not only ugly but Kili could also smell it from where he was hiding. Fili whispered something to him. Orc? Was this an orc? Of course their uncle had told them about the orcs but they had never actually seen one. 

Kili whispered back; 'What are we going to do?' Fili looked at Kili before returning his gaze at the orc. He could tell his older brother was trying to be brave for him, but he also had never faced a real enemy. Fili turned his face towards Kili. 'Can you still make a trap with your rope brother?' Kili grinned, he understood what Fili wanted. 'I sure do brother.'


Why did his nephews always got themselves in trouble when he wasn't there? When they were younger it was still cute but now it was getting life threatening. Thorin tried to convince himself he was just angry at them. Nothing more and nothing less. But in his heart he felt worried. Worried for his nephews' safety. 

What if they were... 'No, don't think about that. They are alright. You have trained them well, they can protect themselves if they need to' Thorin tried to convince himself. Dwalin and Balin joined him. All the other dwarves were in the forge today. It was just the three of them. 'Let's hope there is only one orc in these woods' Dwalin huffed.


Fili was watching the orc while Kili was preparing his trap. Fili went over the plan in his head for the third time. He just had to lead the orc to Kili's trap when he was all finished. The orc would step in it and Kili would pull the rope. The orc would be up side down hanging on the tree. Then they could end if without the chance of getting hurt themselves. The plan was ready. The trap was almost ready. Now they just had to do it.

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