~ The Quest ~

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~ It has been a while since I posted the last story in this book, but I want to say thank you to for all the reads and votes! :D It's amazing and I can't thank you guys enough! ~

It was only a few months before Fili would leave on the quest to retake Erebor that he laid in bed with Fain. This wasn't going to be the first night they slept together but this was the first time that he found Fain crying in his bed. He quickly made her way towards the bed and jumped up to wrap his arms tightly around her. She buried her face in his shoulder and the tears kept streaming down her face. He coed to her, trying to calm her down but it didn't work.

His hand stroked her back soothingly while he pulled her into his lap. 'What's wrong âzyungal?' he says worried. Fain says something but Fili doesn't understand a word she's saying through her tears. 'Love, if you want me to understand what you just said you will need to calm down.' She pulls back and hits him in the chest. 'You're a stupid ass! You know you most likely won't come back from that stupid quest of your uncle, and you're still going!' she shouts at him. 

Fili tries to pull her back in for a hug but Fain pushes his arms away. 'Âzyungal?' he says with a broken voice. 'No Fili! I understand that you are the heir to the throne and all but what you don't understand is that I love you! And I actually want you back in one piece!' she screams out, tears rolling down her cheeks once more. Fili shakes his head and takes one of her hands in his. Slowly he takes her hand to his mouth and kisses it lightly. 'You know I love you with all my heart' he starts.

Fain laughs sarcastically. 'If you would truly love me, like you claim you do, you wouldn't risk your life for a kingdom that can't be saved' she spits at him. Fili isn't sure what he is supposed to do. Everything he says only seems to make matters worse. Before he knows it, Fain gets up from the bed and walks towards his bedroom door. 'Love, wait!' he shouts, and she holds still at the door. He walks up behind her and places his hands on her shoulders. 

'I wouldn't leave you for anything if it wasn't important, you know that. We need to try to reclaim our home land because that's what our people need. They have the right to call that mountain their home again. We are the only ones who can make that happen. Do you understand?' he asks in a soft voice. It only takes a few seconds before he feels the tension leaving his lovers body. Fain sighs and turns around to look at him. Normally he could read her face like nobody else can, but right now it's unreadable to him. 

'I'm sorry. How can I be so selfish? I forgot that your people are the only ones you care about. But wait, they aren't even your people, are they? They follow your uncle, not you. You need to open your eyes and see things as they are' she says, her voice shaking. Her eyes show the hurt she has gone through the last couple of months, ever since he told her he would leave for a few months. He pulls his hands back and straightens his coat. 

'You're running off towards a mountain which holds a dragon inside, for dwarfs that don't even follow your lead! You're just a child to them! And you know what? I think they were right. Now I finally see what they meant' she says. Their eyes are locked and Fili can't believe what she's saying. Their is no doubt in her eyes, no hesitation. She means every single word she says. 'I think you should leave' he says, trying to hold back his anger. Fain shakes her head and takes a step back, away from him.

'Of course you want me to leave. Your people come first, they always have' she says disappointed, not yet believing Fili just chose his people over her. 'Go' he growls. The love in his eyes that was present just a few minutes ago, has disappeared. His face shows pure anger and disbelief, but he tries to keep it to himself. Deep down he understands what she means but she was wrong for pointing it out like this. He didn't deserve this.

'Fine, but you'll never see me again once I walk out that door' she threatens and walks away. Fili makes no attempt to go after her, instead he stays perfectly still in his room. He hears footsteps, somewhere in the back of his mind, but he just stands there. Thorin walks into his room and looks at him with sympathy. 'I'm sorry it had to end like this' he says. Fili doesn't move, he isn't sure what just happened, but he knows that he won't see Fain again. His guard crumbles slowly and a tear escapes from the corner of his eye.

Thorin walks up to his heir and pulls him close to his chest. 'In time she will understand the importance of our quest, Fili. You will have her back' he says comforting. Fili wraps his arms around his uncle and shakes his head, not believing that he will ever get Fain back. The look in her eyes told him all he needed to know. 'It was hard to see her like that uncle. It was like... like she really hated me' he finishes. Thorin sighs deeply. 'I know Fili, I know.'

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