~ He is mine! ~

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~ Young Fili and Kili again, I will make my way to them as teenagers slowly but steadily.  ~

Kili woke up and he yawned loudly. Suddenly he remembered the idea he had right before he went to sleep. He wanted to tell Fili straight away but he was already sleeping. So Kili had to wait until the following morning. And that morning was finally here! He looked to his brothers bed but was suprised to find it empty.

Kili frowned, where was Fili? His big brother never woke up early. Normally Thorin had to wake him up and Fili would only murmur in response. Kili threw his blanket on the ground and made his way to the kitchen. He rubbed his eye trying to wake up, but he was still a little drowsy from his long night sleep. When he got near the kitchen he heard voices. Kili smiled. Fili must be there!

He ran in the room but was surprised to find only Thorin and Dis were sitting at the table. 'Goodmorning my little dwarfling! How did you sleep?' asked Dis. 'What's wrong nephew? Did you have a bad dream?' Thorin said eyeing Kili. The dwarfling pouted. 'Where is Fee?' Thorin and Dis exchanged looks. 'He is playing outside with Fain, love.'

Kili frowned his eyebrows, he was confused. 'Where are they? I have to talk to Fee!' Kili shouted. Dis smiled symphaticaly at him and picked him up. She put him down in a chair and gave him his breakfast. Kili shoved the bowl away and looked angry at Dis. 'I don't want to eat! I want Fee!' He crossed his arms and put his nose in the air.

Dis sighed and looked like she knew this was going to be a long day. She put the bowl back in it's place and wrapped an arm around Kili. 'Your brother wants to play with Fain today. That doesn't mean he won't be playing with her all day long. Maybe you have time to play together tonight.' She offered him her warm smile. But Kili got tears in his eyes.

'But he is mine! He is my big brother so he has to play with me!' Thorin got up and left the room. This time Dis could handle it on her own. She took a seat next to Kili and tried to feed him but he refused every offered spoonfull. Dis sighed. 'You have to eat something Kili.' But the dwarfling just stuck his nose in the air. 'I won't eat if Fili is not here.' This was going to be a long, long, really long day.


Kili sat on the couch, waiting for Fili to get home. He wasn't allowed to go outside today because Dis knew he would go looking for his older brother. He sat at the couch for most of the day. Occasionally he tried to get out of the door but Dis was always there to stop him. Finally he heard the door open and close and saw his brother walking into the room. 'Fee!'

Kili jumped up and ran towards Fili to hug him. Fili was a bit surprised but hugged his brother right back. Kili was sobbing now. 'You were gone all day Fee!' He withdrew from his big brothers hold and looked him in the eyes. 'Don't you love me anymore?' Fili frowned and tucked some hair behind Kili's ear. 'Ofcourse I love you brother. Why wouldn't I?'

'You left me alone all day!' Kili pouted. 'I wanted to tell you my plan to prank mommy!' Fili smiled reassuringly and pulled Kili closer. 'Just because I wanted to play with Fain today doesn't mean I don't love you anymore. We still have more then enough time to play tonight. So, tell me your plan!' Kili whiped the tears from his eyes and took a hold of Fili's hand.

He motioned for Fili to lower his head a little and Fili did. Kili stood on his toes and whispered in Fili's ear: 'We have to go to our own room. Otherwise uncle and mommy will hear us.' Fili nodded and whispered back in Kili's ear: 'That's a good idea brother! Lead the way.'

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