~ Braiding is difficult ~

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Thorin and Dis sat outside their house, enjoying the last bit of sun of the day. It had been a busy day with running after Fili and Kili. They had found a new way to annoy their uncle and they wouldn't miss a chance to do just that. He couldn't remember what he was like when he was little, but he knew he wasn't like them. Dis sighed next to him and stretched her arms. 'They can be a handful' she muttered and closed her eyes. Thorin smiled at his sister and looked at some ducklings which were making their way towards the river. 'They sure are' he replied. Dis smiled and opened her eyes to look at her older brother.

'You know they love you, right?' she asked. Thorin looked at her and nodded. 'Aye, I just can't remember being like them when I was young.' Dis chuckled and looked somewhere above the tree tops. 'I remember a dwarfling with black hair who would always get himself and his siblings in trouble, and sometimes even his dearest friend. I think his name sounded something like Dorin, do you remember him?' she teased. Thorin shook his head in amusement and remembered the days where he, Dwalin and Frerin would play pranks on his father or on other random dwarfs. But never did he tease his little sister.

Thorin narrowed his eyes and focused on his surroundings. 'What's wrong?' Dis asked sitting up in her chair. 'It's quite' Thorin spoke softly. 'Aye, it's close before dawn dear brother, what are you....' and suddenly it hit her. 'The boys!' she said and jumped up to go inside. Thorin had already stand up and was making his way towards his nephew's room. 'They are never this quiet, only if they have done something' Thorin muttered. He opened the door to their room and couldn't help but laugh at the sight in front of him. 'What's wrong?' Dis asked worriedly before she to saw her dwarflings. 

Somehow Fili and Kili had managed to braid their hair in such a way their heads were now attached. 'Don't laugh! It hurts' Kili yelled while tears kept rolling down his cheeks. Dis put her hand on her mouth to stop laughing, but was unable to. Thorin chuckled and knelt down beside his nephews. 'How did you manage to braid your hair like this?' he asked in wonder. Kili huffed and refuges to answer his uncle. 'I thought it would be funny to try it out, and we managed when Kili finally sat still' Fili snapped at his younger brother. 'I sat still? How can I sit still when you are pulling on my hair like I'm a pony?' Kili snapped back.

'If neither of you sit still I won't be able to unbraid your hair' Thorin said calmly. Both brothers crossed their arms and only made a sound when their uncle pulled too hard on their hair. Dis had sat down on their bed and watched as Thorin freed her sons from each other. Once they were free, Kili ran towards Dis and buried his face in her chest. 'It hurt mommy' he said while sobbing. She stroked the back of his head and kissed him gently on his head. 'I know ghivashel, I know.' Fili stood up and hugged his Thorin. 'Thank you uncle.' Thorin smiled at him and motioned for him to sit down in front of him. 

'That's alright, now, let me braid your hair again.' Fili obliged and sat down, letting his uncle braid his hair in the right way. 'Can you braid my hair?' Kili asked Dis. She smiled at her son and nodded. Kili sat down on her lap and let her gentle hands braid his hair. Kili relaxed and almost fell asleep twice if Dis wouldn't have woken him each time he closed his eyes. 'We're done Fili. Don't you have something to say to your brother?' Thorin asked. Fili looked hesitant to go to Kili and apologize, but after a warning look from Thorin he walked to their bed where Kili was already laying beneath the covers.

'I'm sorry I hurt you Kee' Fili said and placed his forehead against Kili's. 'Mmhmmmh' was the only sound Kili was able to make. Dis pulled Fili up and placed him beneath the covers as well, next to his brother. She placed her forehead against his and tucked him in. Fili soon fell asleep and Thorin and Dis left their bedroom. 'They're really a handful' Thorin said and walked towards his own room. 'Aye, but you do love them' Dis spoke softly so that Thorin wouldn't hear her.

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