~ Injured ~

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~ This story happens after the last one, where Kili get's attacked by orcs and Frerie comes to safe him. Based, but slightly changed, from an imagine from imaginexhobbit: Imagine Fili and Kili getting seriously injured and telling you jokes to make you stop worrying about them so much. Now it's: Imagine Kili getting seriously injured and telling Fili jokes to make him stop worrying. ~

Kili laid on his bed and was getting quite annoyed with laying down and having to stay here. It was unfair. He wasn't that injured. Just because he could have died meant that his mother didn't want him to leave the house for a good number of days, while Fili and Thorin were out to hunt for orcs. It was unfair, he wanted to go out as well. He had been separated from his brother for a few months now and he wanted to spend some time together. But now that would have to wait because some orcs couldn't leave him alone.

He played the events of the attack over and over in his mind. He thanked Mahal for sending Frerie to help him out. Kili knew he only would have had a small chance of surviving if it he wouldn't have came to rescue him. And even now he was by his side. Of course his mother, nor his uncle, would let the warg in their house. But he was allowed to sleep outside, next to his window, much to the townpeople's disapproval. A lot of the dwarfs didn't have a good experience with wargs, and Frerie was no exception to this.

Not that anyone dared to come near him when Thorin had agreed to let him stay in the village. Everyone looked at him in awe and respect, even when his uncle didn't think highly of himself. Even when he allowed a warg to stay in the village did they still admire and respect him. And so did Kili. A knock on the door made Kili close his eyes because he knew what was coming. 'No mom, I am not in pain and I don't need that medicine you are planning to give me. I'm fine' he whined. But the door opened anyway and he was greeted by a chuckle.

When he opened his eyes he found that the voice belonged to Fili. 'Brother! You're here! I thought I was going to die of boredom' he said excitedly and tried to sit on his bed, but Fili gently pushed him back down. 'You need to rest Kili. You're still weakened from the attack' he said in a serious tone. Kili pouted and looked angry at his brother. 'Not you too. I thought that of all the dwarfs you would be the only one to understand that I am fine. I don't need to lay here any longer' he said and before Fili could stop him, he jumped out of his bed and jumped a few times to show his brother he was fine.

But jumping around proved to be a little to much. Fili was by his side quickly, before his legs would have turned into jelly and he would have fallen to the ground. Only with his brother's strength did he succeed in climbing back into the bed. Kili crossed his arms and was annoyed when Fili pulled his blanket over him. 'You need to rest brother. The more you rest the sooner you can get out again.' The worried tone didn't escape Kili's attention. 'Can you stop looking at me like I'm going to die' he said while rolling his eyes.

'Mom and Thorin do the same. It's only a small wound brother, nothing to worry about.' But it didn't convince Fili. 'You've lost a lot of blood' he said, his face turning white at the thought of his little brother bleeding like it would never stop. 'Well, at least we now know that my blood is also red. It's nice to know that I'm normal. Can you imagine Thorin's face when my blood would have been blue or green? He would have passed out right there and then' Kili said thoughtfully. Fili couldn't help a smirk from forming on his face.

'You are an idiot, you know that?' he chuckled. Kili laughed but quickly stopped when it hurt his wound. 'Yeah, but I'm a slightly taller idiot then you, big brother' he smirked. Fili shook his head and patted his shoulder. Then the door swung open again and Dis appeared with a brown bottle and a spoon in her hands. 'I'm glad to see that you're awake. It's time for your medicine.' Kili moaned and Fili quickly got out of the room. 'Don't leave me alone brother!' Kili yelled after him, but it was to late. 'Open up!' Dis ordered and Kili reluctantly obeyed.

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